Rubber ducky free Clubhouse
GOOFY: It's the sea monster!
MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, Goof, it's not a sea monster.
It's a giant yellow rubber ducky!

Clubhouse Sea Captain Mickey Mouse
It's just like the rodeo roundup I wanted!
I love the underwater range
where the cow-cod and the

School of gooey fish Clubhouse
PETE: This is gonna stop Mickey and his pals from finding the big something. Ooh, I'm such a naughty nautical octo-Pete!
Wake up and skedaddle, fishes!
Hey, whoa. Whoa! Whoa! Oh, sea sludge! I just wanted to

Take a seaweed safari song | Clubhouse
DAISY: Oh, isn't this goody-good?
Who knew it was going to be a seaweed safari?

Need eight things Clubhouse
It's fantastic, just like flying!
MICKEY MOUSE: Flying underwater! Yeah! Say Donald, you wanna steer?
DONALD DUCK: You bet! Hang on, everybody,

Mickey Lake Clubhouse submarine
GOOFY: Maybe it's a sea monster!
I don't think there's any sea monsters in the lake, Goofy.
But why don't we all take the Clubhouse submarine and go looking for that big something?

A great big something Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Welcome to the Clubhouse, everybody!
Pluto and I were just gonna...
GOOFY: I think we oughta go scuba diving!
DAISY: But there's so much to see on a safari!
MINNIE: A rodeo roundup would be fun! Yee-haw! And you