Roller skate with us song
MINNIE: Hiya, boys! Give us a little room, because
Daisy and I and Hilda are gonna practice our roller skating act!

Rockin' Mickey and pop star Minnie Clubhouse Rocks

It's time to rock out with rockin' Mickey and pop star Minnie, singing their new song, I got a song that comes straight from my heart! MICKEY MOUSE: I got a song that comes straight from my heart! MINNIE: I got a song I hope you'll like from the start!
Minnie's Pet Salon | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

MICKEY MOUSE: Hiya, Pluto, shake! Oh! And hello to you, too. Pluto and I sure are excited today 'cause all the Clubhouse friends are bringing over their pets. We're gonna do tricks and put on a show. It's Pluto's All-Star Pet show. Gosh,
Picture clues for mouseketools Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, wow! Instead of mouseketools,
we got something different.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: That's right. These pictures, called pictograms, are clues. Each one is giving us a clue to the kind

Super wonder bows away | Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Mega Mort's in trouble!
Come on gang, we've gotta save him!
GOOFY: But he's the bad guy.
MICKEY MOUSE: Bad guy or not, he needs saving. And that's what heroes do. Up and

The Wizard of Dizz The magic shoes

MINNIE: It's nice to meet you boys. CHIP: Where are you from? MINNIE: Pluto and I are from the Clubhouse. CHIP AND DALE: The Clubhouse? CLARABELLE: Ooh, tell us, what kind of place is the Clubhouse? MINNIE: Well, it's a place that must be
Come On Over song | Clubhouse
let's mosey on over to the Clubhouse farm and start having some fun!
DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy! This is gonna be good.

We have the plungers | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
ALL: Whoa!
hold it right.
GOOFY: Gawrsh, Donald, watch out for that last step, it's the dooziest!
MICKEY MOUSE: Another tricky trap.
MINNIE: I don't see any other way in. We're gonna have to find a way to get up the slide.

We got the pony | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Did you hear that?
Sounds like there's another animal around here. Come on!
MICKEY MOUSE: Uh, did you whinny, Minnie?
MINNIE: Oh, my, no! It wasn't me.

Bouncy Shoes | Space Captain Donald
GOOFY: Gosh,
Pluto's bouncy ball could be anywhere.
MICKEY MOUSE: Yell out bouncy ball real loud if you see it. What's that? You see Pluto's bouncy ball? Where?

Steps to find the secret | Mickey's Comet
MICKEY MOUSE: Now we know that this is the way Professor Von Drake went.
DAISY: But look.
The second star, Mickey's Comet is on its way.
Time's running out.
MICKEY MOUSE: We'd better get a move

A green circle | Mickey's Comet

Your Christmas lists
MICKEY MOUSE: Hi, everybody. Gee,

I see you made your Christmas lists MINNIE: Uh-huh. GOOFY: Sure did. DAISY: Right here.
MICKEY MOUSE: Let's gather 'em all up for Santa.
ALL [singing]: Christmas list,
Christmas list, A list for Santa Claus!
Make a list of what you wish to give to Santa Claus!
DONALD DUCK: Give me a minute.

I see you made your Christmas lists MINNIE: Uh-huh. GOOFY: Sure did. DAISY: Right here.