Clubhouse Sea Captain Mickey Mouse
It's just like the rodeo roundup I wanted!
I love the underwater range
where the cow-cod and the

Show your special talent
TOODLES: Hey, hey!
Everyone's at Mickey Park!
Let's go!
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, boy! It's time to show off our special talents!
CLARABELLE: Oh! Ahem. Hello, everybody!

Mickey's Clubhouse Rocks
MICKEY MOUSE: I got a song, that comes straight from my heart!
I got a song, I hope you'll like from the start.
I got a rocking song I want to sing for you and you!

Find the kittens | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Hiya, boy! Guess what? Woah!

The kittens are gone! MINNIE: Oh, dear! MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, don't worry, pal. We'll find them in time for your show! MINNIE: Oh, I bet the kittens are hiding somewhere around my Pet Salon. Come on. Let's go look for them! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh no, oh no!

The kittens are gone! MINNIE: Oh, dear! MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, don't worry, pal. We'll find them in time for your show! MINNIE: Oh, I bet the kittens are hiding somewhere around my Pet Salon. Come on. Let's go look for them! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh no, oh no!
Mickey's Mystery Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, hiya, everybody!
Pluto and I sure are glad to see you
because today we're looking at maps. Maps show us how to get to fun and exciting places we've never been to.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Uh, pardon us, Mickey the Mouse. Come,

Let's save the day | Clubhouse
two parts are red.
That means most of our superhero time is gone. We've gotta hurry if we're gonna stop Mega Mort. Come on! Up and away, let's save the day!
MICKEY MOUSE: Stop right there, Mega

The Wizard of Dizz Mickey the Tin Mouse

GOOFY: Why, I'd be happy to come along. Let's go, let's go, let's go! BOTH: Let's go and meet the amazing Wizard of Dizz! Let's hope he's the amazing wizard that everyone says he is.
High Higher Highest | Mickey Mouse
DAISY: Well,
I'm liking those bottle caps.
They're round, just like Goofbot's buttons!
GOOFY: Yeah and there are one, two, three of them. How about we try 'em?
MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears,

Which key will open the door | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
all we've got left are the mega-phony
and the mystery mouseketool.
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, I don't see how the megaphone can help us unlock the door. So let's

Yum-Blatz Dance | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Gosh. Well, we have hot dogs on Earth too.
MARTIAN MICKEY: Hot dogs? That's a funny name. On Mars we call them Yum Blatz.
MICKEY MOUSE: Yum Blatz? Ha, ha, ha!

the best part of the Martian Moon Festival, the Yum-Blatz Dance!

the best part of the Martian Moon Festival, the Yum-Blatz Dance!
Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: So, when the blue potion is mixed with the green potion,
the mixture will go poof.
Remember, do not try this experiment at home. Mm-hmm.

Sand Bucket and Shovel | Space Captain Donald
we know a great fun way to play
with sand. Building sandcastles.
PETE: Sandcastles? Oh, say, that does sound fun. You got yourself a deal, Mickey the Mouse.

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
MICKEY MOUSE: Hey, everybody! It's me, Mickey Mouse. Say, you wanna come inside my Clubhouse? Well, all right! Let's go. Ha! I almost forgot. To make the Clubhouse appear, 
we get to say the magic words. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! Say it with me. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! [singing] M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE: That's me!

we get to say the magic words. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! Say it with me. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! [singing] M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE: That's me!