Take a seaweed safari song | Clubhouse
DAISY: Oh, isn't this goody-good?
Who knew it was going to be a seaweed safari?

Roller skate with us song
MINNIE: Hiya, boys! Give us a little room, because
Daisy and I and Hilda are gonna practice our roller skating act!

Start dancing to it then Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: I think I figured it out.

Those ears up there Are really speakers. And the round gold floor is a record, which makes the whole place a big old record

Those ears up there Are really speakers. And the round gold floor is a record, which makes the whole place a big old record
Check a list and see sung by Power Pants Pete

GOOFY: We better super hurry if we want to stop Power Pants Pete MICKEY MOUSE: Goof's right. Come on! Up and away. Let's save the day!
Square Dance | Clubhouse
MINNIE: Oh, but
the fun's not over yet,
DAISY: Now it's time for the fun fair square dance!
MINNIE: Stand up, everyone, and square dance with us!

Come On Over song | Clubhouse
let's mosey on over to the Clubhouse farm and start having some fun!
DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy! This is gonna be good.

What should I do with my hair | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
My ponytail is growing and flowing.
GOOFY: It's down to here!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Now it's down to there!
DAISY: My tresses need some combing.
How shall I wear my hair?

Plunderin' Pete song | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
PETE [singing]: Oh,
I am a clever kitty and I like things
that are pretty.
I collect them all inside my hideaway, yes, I do!

Farm song | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Yum-Blatz Dance | Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
MICKEY MOUSE: Gosh. Well, we have hot dogs on Earth too.
MARTIAN MICKEY: Hot dogs? That's a funny name. On Mars we call them Yum Blatz.
MICKEY MOUSE: Yum Blatz? Ha, ha, ha!

the best part of the Martian Moon Festival, the Yum-Blatz Dance!

the best part of the Martian Moon Festival, the Yum-Blatz Dance!
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
MICKEY MOUSE: Hey, everybody! It's me, Mickey Mouse. Say, you wanna come inside my Clubhouse? Well, all right! Let's go. Ha! I almost forgot. To make the Clubhouse appear, 
we get to say the magic words. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! Say it with me. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! [singing] M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE: That's me!

we get to say the magic words. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! Say it with me. Meeska, mooska, Mickey Mouse! [singing] M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE: That's me!
Hiccup Polka Dance
MICKEY MOUSE: All right,

stand up and tap with us. MINNIE: Stand up, everybody.
DAISY: Now tap your feet.

stand up and tap with us. MINNIE: Stand up, everybody.
DAISY: Now tap your feet.
Ring-A-Ding-Ding | Clubhouse song

MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, ring-a-ding-ding, it's so much fun riding my bike! I love being with friends
And doing just what I like!