
Clap Your Hands One Two Three Song, a popular English language nursery rhyme, can be heard at Reader Rabbit Toddler Game.
Clap your hands, one two three

The rhyme is thought by some commentators to have originated as a counting-out rhyme.
By learning and singing songs, kids form and develop their auditory perception (the brain's ability to interpret sound that is heard through the ears), memory, word vocabulary, and other beneficial concepts.
Watch the song

Cat Song

Cow Song

Crocodile Song

Duck Song

Elephant Song

Goat Song

Hickory Dickory Dock

Horse Song

I'm A Little Teapot

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Kangaroo Song

Lion Song

Little Bo-Peep

Pig Song

Polar Bear Song

Sheep Song

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Two Little Bluebirds Song

Whale Song

Zebra Song