
The Cat Song can be heard at JumpStart Toddlers game.
Kitties are nice, meow, meow.Kitties love mice, Meow, meow.
I'm a kitty. meow, meow.
Aren't I pretty? Meow, meow.
Vocals performed by Beth Marlin LichterWritten by Beth Marlin Lichter and Jon Baker
Songs arranged and recorded by Jon Baker at the Bakery
(c) 1996 Knowledge Adventure, Inc.
Your kids will be very happy about this song. You can also listen to it repeatedly before bedtime. Their sleep will be deeper and calmer.
Other songs
My Little Cat

I have a little cat,
She's black and white and gray.
When I try to cuddle her,
She always wants to play.
So I drag a piece of yarn
Across the kitchen floor.
She thinks it is a little mouse
To chase right out the door.
Counting Cats

One cat napping in the sun,
Two cats playing pounce and run.
Three cats eating from one dish.
Four cats fishing for a fish.
Five cats prancing on a fence,
Six cats peeking under paper tents.
Seven cats blinking crossed blue eyes,
Eight cats chasing butterflies.
Nine cats cuddled tail to head,
Ten cats bouncing on my bed.
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You can play an interactive game Disney's Winnie the Pooh Preschool Adventure Game where you can gain an early understanding of letter and number recognition, phonics, sequencing; or Winnie the Pooh Shapes and Sizes (2006) to learn about shapes (circle, square, rectangle, triangle and diamond) and sizes (big and small); or Ready for Math with Pooh game that help you learn math and receive fun rewards.
Teaches counting, patterns, sorting, addition, subtraction and more. Multiple levels let children learn at their own pace. Rewards, surprises and certificates motivate learning. Learning Disney series, preschool through first grade put child on the path to success in math.
Also you can watch a Disney movie for free The Tigger Movie (2000) about Pooh's friend Tigger in his search for his family tree and other Tiggers like himself.