Thomas "Tommy" Anderson is Louie's youngest brother. He is naive and Louie tricks him many times.
LOUIE: Hey Tommy, come here! TOMMY: What? Mom was I adopted from a frog face family? ORA: Of course not dear! LOUIE: Oh you think she'd tell you!
TOMMY: We'll find it Mrs Stallman. MRS. STILLMAN: well I think I looked there Tommy. LOUIE: Watch out Tommy. I'm not supposed to tell you this but there's no creatures under here. They grab onto your legs. They pull you into the white hole.
ORA: Andy I'm sure we have an extra box. LOUIE: We have an extra box. Why don't we put them around my room? ORA: Louie! LOUIE: They're on the show next to the paint thinner. You know, the paint thinner we used to get the gum out of Tommy's hair three hours. ANDY: There's a box next to the paint thinner.
TOMMY: No school! LOUIE: What are you so excited about. You can't even go to school.