Watch clips with songs of the 4th film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics
Dumbo (1941) that include:
Baby Mine song music by Frank Churchill, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by Betty Noyes (Mrs. Jumbo) and chorus
Casey Junior song music by Frank Churchill, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by The Sportsmen Quartet
Happy Birthday song lyrics by Mildred J. Hill and Patty S. Hill, sung by Sterling Holloway (Mr.Stork)
Look Out For Mr Stork song music by Frank Churchill, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by The Sportsmen Quartet
Pink Elephants On Parade song music by Oliver Wallace, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by The Sportsmen Quartet
Song of the Roustabouts music by Frank Churchill, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by The King's Men as Roustabout Chorus
When I See an Elephant Fly song music by Frank Churchill, lyrics by Ned Washington, sung by Cliff Edwards, Jim Carmichael and the Hall Johnson Choir
Watch a mix clip with songs from original motion picture soundtrack