PRINCESS AURORA: I've got the keys to the kingdomwords and music by Amy Powers and Russ DeSalvo song performed by Cassidy Ladden as Princess Aurora and chorus Lyrics with pictures
PRINCESS AURORA: I've got the keys to the kingdom
The world is open wide
So I'll just have to walk right up

I've got the keys to the kingdom
And soon, they will see
They gave them to the right one, to me!

Carrots, peas, Roquefort cheese
Add a little pepper, please

Caviar, one more jar
Fizzy things to drink

Tulips here, lilies there
See if you can carve a bear

Paint the trellis pink
CHORUS: She's got the keys to the kingdom
A wonder to achieve

PRINCESS AURORA: The biggest vote of confidence

CHORUS: She's got the keys to the kingdom
PRINCESS AURORA: It's keeper I'll be
CHEF: And do her job exceptionally
PRINCESS AURORA: All of these momentous decisions
Are they up to me?
Of course, I'm royalty but do I have what it takes?
What if i make mistakes?
I don't know, but I'll start leading with my heart!
CHORUS: She's got the keys to the kingdom
Her palace and the throne
We know that she can handle any job on her own

PRINCESS AURORA: Right here in my hand
CHORUS: And everything is bound to be grand
CHORUS: She's got the keys to the kingdom
Her world is open wide
She's got the capability to take it in stride
She's got the keys to the kingdom
PRINCESS AURORA: It's all up to me
I'll show them what a princess can be!
Watch Disney Princess Enchanted Tales Keys to the Kingdom song video or Sleeping Beauty (1959)
King Stefan (Corey Burton), Queen Leah (Barbara Dirikson), King Hubert (Jeff Bennett), and Prince Phillip (Roger Craig Smith) have left the kingdom for two days for a Royal Conference, leaving Princess Aurora (Erin Torpey) to reign over it in their absence.(Wikipedia)