And now,
let's all give a big Clubhouse shout-out
and a shout-up-and-down to Power Pete's bow-wow band!

CLARABELLE: Oh, this ought to be good.
PETE: Ok, boys, just like we practiced.
PLUTO: Yeah-yeah-yeah!
PETE [singing]: Power bop-bop-bop power bow-wow-wow
The bow-wow band's gonna rock out now!
DONALD DUCK: Hey, Pete. Can I join you?
PETE: You want to join my band?

You got it, pal. Just sing along with the pooches.
DONALD DUCK: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Thanks, Pete!
PETE [singing]: Power bop-bop-bop, power bow-wow-wow!
The bow-wow
band's gonna rock out now!

I said, power bop-bop-bop power bow-wow-wow!
PETE: Chicken!
DONALD DUCK: Chicken? Who you calling chicken?
PETE: Yowzas!
DONALD DUCK: Why does this always happen to me?

Sorry about that, Pete. I don't know how it happened.
PETE: Yeah, I know you mean well, quackers, but my drumsticks are busted. Now I can't play!
DONALD DUCK: And it's all my fault.
GOOFY: Without his drums stickies, how's Pete gonna keep the rocking beat a-rocking?
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, with a mouseketool! Everybody say
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: To-to-toodles to the rocking rescue!
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, we have two wooden spoons and the mystery mouseketool.
PETE: I bet I could use those spiffy spoons like drumsticks!

They even kinda look like drumsticks! We got ears, say: musical cheers! Ok, boys, now this time, let's not rock out too loud. I do not want to scare those chickens!
PETE [singing]: Power bop-bop-bop power bow-wow-wow
The bow-wow band's gonna rock out now!
Said, power bop-bop-bop, power bow-wow-wow!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Well bow-wow-wow-wee! It's a nine! That's the best number yet we got! But the fun is not over yet, Clubhouse Rockers.
Watch Power Pete's bow-wow band Clubhouse Rocks video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey's Clubhouse Rocks
Goofy's shoe garage band Clubhouse Rocks
Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps Clubhouse Rocks
Clarabelle and her Cluck-Cluck Chickens Clubhouse Rocks
6. Power Pete's bow-wow band Clubhouse Rocks
Rockin' Mickey and pop star Minnie Clubhouse Rocks
Hot Dog Dance