DONALD DUCK: How'd she do that?
GOOFY: Hocus-pocus! A bunny!

GIRLS: Ooh, la la.
PETE: Honk, honk, honk!
A specklebelly goose!

Oh, Petey!
CLARABELLE: And now, without further ado,
I present to you the talent of all talents: Donald and Donald Jr.!

MICKEY MOUSE: Ok, everybody, let's all stand up and get ready to dance. And this time, we're gonna sing, too! Come on!
Dance and sing along with us! Ready?

DONALD DUCK: Step, step, step, step!
Kick this way, kick that way!
Spin and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
MICKEY MOUSE: They go together like butter and jam!

DONALD DUCK: Me and my Junior!
MICKEY MOUSE: They're birds of a feather two's better than one!
DONALD DUCK: That's me and my Junior!

MICKEY MOUSE: Let's do it again!
BOTH: Step, step, step, step!
Kick this way, kick that way!
Spin and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
MICKEY MOUSE: They go together like butter and jam!
DONALD DUCK: Me and my Junior!
MICKEY MOUSE: They're birds of a feather two's better than one!

Friends forever like Donald and me!
DONALD DUCK: Me and my Junior!
MICKEY MOUSE: Isn't it wow-wow-wow-whee!
DONALD DUCK: That's Donald Jr. and me! Yeah!
CLARABELLE: Moo-arvelous!
Let's give them a big hand!

GOOFY: Bravo!
DAISY: Oh, Donald!
You did a great job teaching Donald Jr.

It must've taken a lot of practice and patience to get it right!
DONALD DUCK: Yep, it sure did!
CLARABELLE: Oh! Let's hear it for everybody who joined us and showed their special talents today!
MICKEY MOUSE: Thanks for helping Donald and Donald Jr. practice their song and dance! Yep! That's right, Junior! Come on, everybody! Let's all stand up and do the hot dog dance!
Watch Donald and Junior song video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Clubhouse Donald Jr
Goofy's magic act Mickey's ukulele
Roller skate with us song
Pete different talents
Show your special talent
7. Donald and Junior song
Hot Dog Dance