So grab your partner and dosey-dee-do. Now it's time to
sing and dance with dancing Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps!

DAISY: Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to bop! We're gonna make some noise and do the rockabilly hop!
CHIP AND DALE: Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!
Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!

Hop to the left, hop to the right!
Shake, shake, shake!
Then wiggle your hips and shake your tail!
CHIP AND DALE: Do the rockabilly hop!
CHIP: Take it, Dale!
DONALD DUCK: Hiya, Dale!
DALE: Oh, hiya, Donald.
DONALD DUCK: Could I play the drums?
DALE: You want to play the drums?

DONALD DUCK: Sure thing! Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Aw, nuts! Now I've done it.
DAISY: Oh, don't feel bad, Donald. We'll figure something out.
DALE: Maybe a mouseketool can help us.
CHIP AND DALE: Everybody say.
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: Just call me the big-eared bopper!
DAISY: Let's see. We've got pots and pans, two wooden spoons and the mystery mouseketool. Which of these can we use like drums?
CHIP AND DALE: How about the pots and pans?
DAISY: We got ears, say musical cheers! Ready, Dale?

DALE: You bet!
DAISY: Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to bop!
We're going to make some noise
and do the rockabilly hop!
CHIP: Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!

Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!
DONALD DUCK: Now they don't need me.
CHIP AND DALE: Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!
Rock, rock, rock, rockabilly hop!
DAISY: Do the rockabilly hop with Daisy!
CHIP: Chip and
DALE: Dale!
GOOFY: Yahoo!
It's an eight on the mouseke-clapper!

Looks like dancing Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps have really hit a chord! Everybody likes them to pieces!
Watch Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps Clubhouse Rocks video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey's Clubhouse Rocks
Goofy's shoe garage band Clubhouse Rocks
4. Daisy and the Chipmunk Chaps Clubhouse Rocks
Clarabelle and her Cluck-Cluck Chickens Clubhouse Rocks
Power Pete's bow-wow band Clubhouse Rocks
Rockin' Mickey and pop star Minnie Clubhouse Rocks
Hot Dog Dance