I will not let her stop me from getting that magical mermaid comb! PRINCESS SOFIA: Why is it getting so dark? What is that? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Your floating palace. Look out! Oop! PRINCESS CORA: Oona. Mom wants us back at the castle. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: But Cora ... PRINCESS CORA: Now. Hurry. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: I have to go, Sofia. Maybe I'll see you later? PRINCESS SOFIA: Hmm? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: What's going on, Cora. Why does she want to see us? PRINCESS CORA:

You'll find out when we get there. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: No one ever tells me anything. PLANK: The ship has stopped, your majesty, but they haven't cast any nets yet. QUEEN EMMALINE: Oh, thank goodness. You're both safe. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Why wouldn't we be? QUEEN EMMALINE: A human vessel is in the cove. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Oh, mom. It's not like humans are dangerous or anything. PLANK: Yes, they are. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: No, they're not. PLANK: Who are you?

PRINCESS SOFIA: I'm Sofia. What's your name?. PLANK: I'm Plank, the senior adviser to the queen. Are you from this colony? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia's my new friend. PRINCESS SOFIA: Hi. QUEEN EMMALINE: Well, you and Oona are too young to know what humans are capable of. The last time a ship entered the cove, years before you were born, a few mermaids were playing near the rocks at the surface.

The humans tried to capture one of us. Luckily, a storm came and sank the ship before anyone was caught. PRINCESS CORA: Is that the shipwreck that Oona always plays in? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: She prefers the term hideaway. PLANK: Yes, the very one. QUEEN EMMALINE: But many of our people were hurt. This is the reason we avoid going up to the surface, Oona. If the humans in that ship discover we're down here, we could all be in grave danger. PRINCESS SOFIA: But they don't mean any harm. PLANK: You don't know that! Queen Emmaline, there is only one course of action. We must remove the ship from our cove. PRINCESS SOFIA: No! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: You can't do that! PRINCESS CORA: It sounds like we have to. But how? PLANK:

With the queen's trident: it has the power to change the weather. Your majesty, you could whip up a storm that blows the ship right out of the cove. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Sounds a little drastic, Plank, don't you think? QUEEN EMMALINE: But a storm is a hard thing to control, Plank. If it grows too large, it could sink the ship. PLANK: Then so be it. PRINCESS SOFIA: No! SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Easy now, big fella. What's the matter? You wake up on the wrong side of the sea bed this morning? PRINCESS SOFIA: There has to be another way. PLANK: Do you have a better idea? PRINCESS SOFIA: Yes. I could get the humans to move the ship on their own. PLANK: And how could you do that? PRINCESS SOFIA: Because its' my ship. Well, my dad's ship. PLANK: You're not making any sense. You're a mermaid. PRINCESS SOFIA: Well, not exactly. I'm really a human. PLANK: What?

I've never seen a human who can change into our form. Perhaps she's some kind of witch. PRINCESS CORA: A witch? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia is not a witch. She's my friend. She helped me when I was hurt. Cora, you saw. PRINCESS CORA: All I saw is that you hurt your fin. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Cora. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: I saw them. Sofia was helping Oona swim. PRINCESS SOFIA: I can get the ship to leave, your majesty. Just give me the chance. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Please, mom.

We can trust her. PLANK: We can't trust any humans. QUEEN EMMALINE: Plank. Sofia come forward. Do you give your word that you will move your ship immediately? PRINCESS SOFIA: I do. QUEEN EMMALINE: Then go, child. Leave this cove and never return. PRINCESS SOFIA: I will, your majesty. Thank you. Goodbye, Oona. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Bye, Sofia. PLANK: With all due respect, your majesty. How can you trust a human?

QUEEN EMMALINE: Everyone must be given the chance to do the right thing. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Let me just say that seahorses are very good judges of character ans I believe that she'll do what she says, your majesty. PLANK: No one asked you, Sven. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: No one ever does. That's why I have to speak up. PRINCESS SOFIA: It doesn't matter what we say, Sven. It's not like anyone listens. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia. Sorry about my mom. She's not always like that. Plank is, but my mom isn't. PRINCESS SOFIA: That's alright, I understand. It's just too bad I have to go. I mean, we just became friends. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: I know. PRINCESS SOFIA: I'll miss you. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Me too.
Watch Sofia the First We can trust her
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends