Now it's time for Pluto's All-Star Pet show!. MICKEY MOUSE [singing]: Oh, we're all so proud of our pets MINNIE: Uh-huh! BOTH: Just watch 'em do their very best! DONALD DUCK:

Boo-boo chicken can do a dance! GOOFY: Ya-hoo! MICKEY MOUSE:

Butch and Bella can twirl and prance! PETE: They sure can! MINNIE:

The cats can leap both high and low! GOOFY: That's mr. Pettibone! MINNIE: And my Figaro! DONALD DUCK: Go, kitties, go! GOOFY: OK, let's see what they've got! Fiona! DAISY: And Captain Jumps-a-lot! MICKEY MOUSE:

Look at them jump and hop! Go on, Pluto, sing a song! MINNIE: Watch the kittens mew along! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, we're all so proud of our pets! MINNIE: That's right! BOTH: They gave the show their very best! ALL: Oh, we're all so proud of our pets! CLARABELLE: Oh, Bella! You were stupendous! PETE: That's my Butchie boy! What a show! MINNIE: Clarabelle, Pete. Have you picked the best pet in the show? CLARABELLE: Well, I have a favorite. PETE: And so do I! CLARABELLE:

Well which one do you think is the best? PETE: You know I think Bella was a strong second. CLARABELLE: Well, no, you're wrong Bella was best. PETE: Well, I do, easy now after all. CLARABELLE: Well, I just don't know. PETE: Well, you were watching Butch obviously. MINNIE: Is there a problem? PETE: Well, it's a tough decision, And we can't agree, so... CLARABELLE: We need a third judge to decide! PETE: There ya go. MINNIE: Minnie, you did so much work getting the pets ready at your Pet Salon! PETE: So we want you to do the honors and pick the best Butch... Uh, pet. MINNIE: Oh, dear! Oh, me! Oh, my. How will I ever choose? Let's see, I... Oh, dear... This is such a hard decision to make. Oh, I know what to do! All of our pets are the best. So they all win the show! CLARABELLE: What a good idea! ALL: Oh boy, oh boy! PETE: Well,

here's the grand prize for all of you to share! Pet treats for everyone. Come and get it! MICKEY MOUSE: And Pluto, we have something extra special for you. MINNIE: Uh-huh! It's

a medal for putting on the best pet show ever! MICKEY MOUSE: Awww, Pluto! MINNIE: Oh, how sweet! All our pets really are the best! MICKEY MOUSE: They sure are! MINNIE: Oh, and thank you for helping us get all the pets ready at my Pet Salon! MINNIE [singing]: That's Minnie's Pet Salon! Awww. MICKEY MOUSE: Pluto thanks you, too! Now let's celebrate! Come on, everybody! Hop on your feet and do the hot dog dance! MINNIE: We had such a great day today. Thank you for coming to my Pet Salon. Now, up on your feet everybody and dance, dance, dance! MICKEY MOUSE: What a hot dog day! Watch Pluto's All-Star Pet show video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Minnie's Pet Salon
3. Get all the pets ready
4. Bubbles of fun
5. Need to calm down
6. Jump rope tricks
7. Find the kittens
8. Pluto's All-Star Pet show
9. Hot Dog Dance