The kittens are gone! MINNIE: Oh, dear! MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, don't worry, pal. We'll find them in time for your show! MINNIE: Oh, I bet the kittens are hiding somewhere around my Pet Salon. Come on. Let's go look for them! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh no, oh no!

Where did they go? MINNIE: We'll look high MICKEY MOUSE: Then look low! MINNIE: Uh-huh. MICKEY MOUSE: Let's look around and find the kittens! Oh no, oh no! Where did they go? MINNIE: Look in front! MICKEY MOUSE: Then look behind!

I'm sure we're gonna find the kittens! MICKEY MOUSE: All right! We found two kittens, Mouska and Mooska. MINNIE: But Figaro has three kitten cousins. So how many kittens do we have left to find? One more! Right! We need to find Meeska! Do you hear those meows? MICKEY MOUSE: Uh-huh! Yeah!

Let's follow those meows and find the last kitten! MINNIE: Oh, look. There's Meeska, on the upside! MICKEY MOUSE: Kitty-kitty-kitty! Come here! Reach your hands out and help me catch the kitten! Kitty-kitty-kitty, come here, little fella. Gotcha, Meeska! MINNIE: How wonderful!

We found all three kittens and just in time for Pluto's Pet Show! PLUTO: Yeah, yeah! MICKEY MOUSE: Come on. It's almost show time! CLARABELLE: Oh, what an exciting evening! I can't wait to see how fabulous the pets look! PETE: You said it, Clarabelle!

The pets should have some nifty tricks to show us, too! CLARABELLE: Remember Pete, we have to be fair and judge the pets on their style and skill. May the best Bella, I mean pet win! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, boy, Pluto!

Are ya ready for your big show? PLUTO: Yeah, yeah, yeah! MINNIE: All right, everyone! We're about to begin! Hit it, Goofy. GOOFY: Gwarsh. The lights won't light. CLARABELLE: Oh, oh dear! PETE: Aw nuts! MINNIE: Oh, no! Mickey, we can't put on Pluto's show without lights!

We need to make all the paper lanterns shine brightly again. MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, don't worry, 'cause I know who to call! Everybody say: oh, toodles! ALL: Oh, toodles! TOODLES: Hey, who turned out the lights? MINNIE: All we have left is the jar of fireflies. Can the fireflies light up the paper lanterns? MICKEY MOUSE: You betcha! We picked all our mousketools. Say: super cheers! Oh, gosh! MINNIE: How beautiful! Watch Find the kittens video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Minnie's Pet Salon
3. Get all the pets ready
4. Bubbles of fun
5. Need to calm down
6. Jump rope tricks
7. Find the kittens
8. Pluto's All-Star Pet show
9. Hot Dog Dance