MINNIE: You know, I just might need a little help from my friends. DAISY: Oh, really? We'd love to help you out in your Pet Salon! DONALD DUCK: We sure would! GOOFY: Why, what we're friends for?

MICKEY MOUSE: Will you help Minnie get all the pets ready in time for Pluto's All-Star Pet show? Ya will? Hot dog! Come on, let's go get some mouseketools! MICKEY MOUSE: Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi, mouseker-ho! Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set, here we go! You're a thinking and a solving work it through-er! Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer! Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer! Oh, toodles! It's time to get to it.

Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it! Meeska, mooska, mousekedoer! Mouseketools, mouseketools, mouseketools! CHORUS: Here are your Mouseketools! MICKEY MOUSE: We've got a jar of fireflies! Bright! A beach towel. Nice and soft.

A baby elephant. Wow! And the mystery mouseketool. That's a surprise tool that can help us later. MICKEY MOUSE: Toodles has the tools! The Mouseketools! So when we need 'em, toodles will bring 'em! He's here for meedles and youdles. And all we have to say is: Oh, toodles! All we have to say is: Oh, toodles! MICKEY MOUSE: All right, we've got our mouseketools! Now let's go help Minnie at her Pet Salon! MINNIE: OK, everybody!

I've written all the Pet Salon jobs that need to be done on these cards. So you each need to pick one! GOOFY: Golly-gee! I'm gonna be the pet walker! DAISY: Oh, goody-goody! I'm going to be in charge of the dog and cat wash! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, boy!

I'm gonna train the pets how to do tricks! DONALD DUCK: Aw, nuts! MINNIE: Oh, Donald, you're going to be the pet groomer! You'll get to brush all the furry pets and put bows on them and make them look so pretty! Please, Donald? For me. DONALD DUCK: OK. For you I'll do it! MINNIE: Well, Pluto.

That's leaves us in charge of pet-sitting the kittens. But first, you need to get ready for your show by taking a bath! PLUTO: Yeah, yeah, yeah! MINNIE: Good luck, everybody! Have fun! MICKEY MOUSE AND MINNIE: Oh, come on and bring your pets along To Minnie's Pet Salon! GOOFY: I'll walk our pets, but if they hop

I'll do the frog-and-bunny hop! A'hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck! Hyuck MICKEY MOUSE: I'll teach our pets to do some tricks Like jumping hoops or fetching sticks.

DAISY: I'll wash our furry dog and cats Who love to splash in a bubble bath. PLUTO: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah! MINNIE: You'll brush the pets DONALD DUCK: Brush the pets! MINNIE: Add a bow DONALD DUCK: Add a bow MINNIE: They'll look so pretty DONALD DUCK: For Pluto's show! MINNIE: I'll play with all the little ones They'll have fun at the Pet Salon Oh, come on and bring your pets along To Minnie's Pet Salon ALL: So, come on and bring your pets along To Minnie's Pet Salon MINNIE: Thanks to all my helpful friends. Our pets will be ready for the show in no time! Watch Get all the pets ready video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Minnie's Pet Salon
3. Get all the pets ready
4. Bubbles of fun
5. Need to calm down
6. Jump rope tricks
7. Find the kittens
8. Pluto's All-Star Pet show
9. Hot Dog Dance