PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: You people is asking a lot from the wizard. I don't know about if I can help you. Oh, such a sad face you got, boo-hoo. I tell you what we're gonna do. I will gonna help you, if you prove your courage and meet the wiz of dizz challenge. MINNIE: We have courage.

What's your challenge? PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: All right.

Bring me back Witch Pete's hat. MINNIE: What? GOOFY: The witch's hat? DONALD DUCK: You gotta be kidding. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: It's no joke. Without the magic power of his hat, Witch Pete can't be a bad and sneaky witch anymore.

Goodbye now, toodle-oo. Over and out. MINNIE: Oh, no. What should we do now? MICKEY MOUSE: There's only one thing to do. We've gotta go to Witch Pete's castle and ask him for his hat. Come on. PETE: Oh! Well, well, well.

Minnie and her friends are coming straight to me. That gives me another chance to get those magic shoes. Oh, uh! Coco? From now on, I've decided to be a nice witch. Now, would you and the other monkey minions go and get Minnie and her friends, please? Hmm? Hurry back with my new shoes. I mean, our new friends.

GOOFY: Golly. Flying monkeys. Whoa! MINNIE: Whoa! MICKEY MOUSE: Hey! DONALD DUCK: Roar! PETE: Well, come in, come in. Welcome to my humble castle. You know, I really like those sparkly shoes. Why don't you let me try them on for size? Pretty please. MINNIE: Okay, Witch Pete. As long as I can borrow your hat. PETE: Who? My hat? MINNIE: Uh-huh. PETE: Well, I don't know about that. I'll have to think it over. OK,

you got a deal, give me the shoes. MINNIE: Now, you can take a few steps, but then you've got to give them back to me. Promise? PETE: Oh, yes. Yes, of course. Sure, sure, sure. MINNIE: I mean it. Promise. PETE: I promise on Coco's whiskers. Ooh-hoo-hoo. The shoes are mine. Now I have a magic hat and magic shoes. And I'm keeping them both. MINNIE: But you promised. We had a deal. PETE: Not anymore.

MINNIE: Oh, you really are a bad and sneaky witch. GOOFY: What can we do? MINNIE: Maybe a mouseketool can help us get Witch Pete's hat. Everybody say: Oh, Woodles. ALL: Oh, Woodles! MICKEY MOUSE: All we've got left are the beach towel and the mystery mouseketool. MINNIE: Well, the beach towel can't really help us get Witch Pete's hat. So let's try the mystery mouseketool. Everybody say: mystery mouseketool. ALL: Mystery mouseketool! MINNIE: What's today's mystery mouseketool? MICKEY MOUSE: A pillow? MINNIE: We've got ears. Say cheers. Watch Witch Pete's Hat video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Clubhouse day party
3. The magic shoes
4. The Scarecrow Goofy
5. Mickey the Tin Mouse
6. Donald the Lion
7. Cross the Water
8. Riddle About Party
9. Witch Pete's Hat
10. Magic Power Back
11. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wizard of Dizz
12. Back to the Clubhouse
13. Hot Dog Dance