MICKEY MOUSE: Come on, gang,
let's work together

and stop Power Pants Pete.
DONALD DUCK: I'll stop him!
GOOFY: I can stop him!
PETE: What's that? Uh-oh. I'm OK! Oh, cheese weasels.
MICKEY MOUSE: You're through, Power
Pants Pete.
The Clubhouse heroes have put a stop to your villainy.

GOOFY: We did? Hey, we did!
PETE: Uh, guys, I know this looks bad, but I didn't want to shrink everything, honest. If I didn't do it, I was gonna
get shrunk by the big boss.

MICKEY MOUSE: The big boss?
GOOFY: Uh, who's the big boss?
MEGA MORT: That would be me. Mega Mort.
All: Mega Mort?
MEGA MORT: Ha-cha-cha!
PETE: Whoa, whoa. Hiya, boss. I'm almost done getting everything you asked for.
Just like you asked for

it 'cause you asked.
MEGA MORT: Forget it, Power Pants. You didn't do what I asked you to do. So guess what time it is.
PETE: Uh, time to give everything back and say we're sorry?
MEGA MORT: No, it's shrinking time!
MEGA MORT [singing]: Ha-cha-cha!
Pete is big and now he's small.
And this is how I'm gonna take it all.
The Clubhouse soon will all be mine.
Then I'll have it with me all the time.
That'll make me happy just like you.
Oops, time to fly so toodle-oo!
I make big things little and large

things small.
Once I'm done I'm gonna have it all.
Once I'm done I'm gonna have it all.
MINNIE: Mega Mort's ruining everything.
PETE: I'm sorry, guys. I really feel bad about shrinking everything. You done me.
I wish I could do something to help.

Hey, you think I could join you and be part of the Clubhouse heroes?
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, uh, I don't know, uh!
PETE: Well, I'm really, really sorry and I want to help, honest. Super honest. Power Pants honest.
PETE: For reals? Oh, boy. Oh, why. This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me. You won't be sorry.
DAISY: Uh-oh. Our super power bands are blinking again.
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure
Clubhouse heroes are your super pals
We need to work together
Check a list and see
6. Make big things little
Let's save the day
We've got to catch
All our super mouseketools
Let's stop that zeppelin
Super wonder bows away
Clubhouse with my new friends
Hot Dog Dance