MICKEY MOUSE: That's just what we need

Say everybody, will you join the Clubhouse heroes and help us stop power pants Pete from shrinking everything? You will?
Hot dog! Now
let's go get our super mouseketools

To the mousekedoer.
MICKEY MOUSE: Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi, mouseker-ho!
Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set, here we go!
You're a thinking and a solving work it througher!
Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mouseke-doer!
Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mouseke-doer!
Oh, toodles! It's time to get to it.
Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it!
Meeska, mooska, mouseke-doer!
Mouseketools, mouseketools, mouseketools!
CHORUS: Here are your mouseketools!
We've got a blow dryer,

a catcher's mitt. Play ball! A big beach umbrella. And the mystery mouseketool. That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
MICKEY MOUSE: Toodles has the tools!
The Mouseketools!
So when we need them toodles will bring them!
He's here for meedles and youdles.
And all we have to say is: Oh, toodles!
All we have to say is: Oh, toodles!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Okey-dokey, everybody. Into the super maker machine. Wee! Now
that's what I call super duper!

MICKEY MOUSE: Gee, professor, I really feel super!
GOOFY: Mickey, look out, you're floating away!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: That's not floating, he's flying in the air.
MICKEY MOUSE: I can fly? Oh, I can fly! And look! I'm super strong, too.
You're Super Mickey!

And all of you now have super fantastic powers. Like Mr. Super Goof, here.
GOOFY: So what kind of super fantastic powers do I have? Can I fly too? Whoa! Gosh, I'm super stretchy. And twisty, too.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Look over here. Dynamo Duck is super speedy.
DONALD DUCK: This... Is... Fun!
Upsy Daisy here can move things with her mind.

DAISY: Let me try. Upsy Daisy!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: That's an upsy Daisy doozy. Now, would you please put the professor down, would you? Whoopsie. Thank you very much. Now, Pluto, you are super power pup. Whoo-hoo.
You can fly and do super duper doggy things.

PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: And Minnie, you're now Wonder Minnie! You're throwing out super wonder bows!
MINNIE: Ooh! How fun.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Whoo, that's wonder bow-utiful.
MICKEY MOUSE: The Clubhouse heroes are on the job!
MICKEY MOUSE: When things get tough and the world is rough.
We'll be there with time to spare.
The Clubhouse heroes are your super pals!

DAISY AND MINNIE: We're on our way to save the day.
DAISY: When things aren't fine I can help with my mind.
MINNIE: When you're down my bows will turn you right around.
GOOFY: When you need help fast.
DONALD DUCK: You just got to ask.
If you need someone strong.

MICKEY MOUSE: With me you can't go wrong!
MINNIE: That's right!
Or if you need someone stretchy.
GOOFY: That's me, you betchy.
ALL: The Clubhouse heroes are your super pals!
MICKEY MOUSE: With our might.
DONALD DUCK: We'll win the fight.
GOOFY: And make things right.
DAISY: With our might.
MINNIE: We'll win the fight!
ALL: And make things right!
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Super Adventure
3. Clubhouse heroes are your super pals
We need to work together
Check a list and see
Make big things little
Let's save the day
We've got to catch
All our super mouseketools
Let's stop that zeppelin
Super wonder bows away
Clubhouse with my new friends
Hot Dog Dance