My ponytail is growing and flowing.

GOOFY: It's down to here!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Now it's down to there!
DAISY: My tresses need some combing.
How shall I wear my hair?
Twist it up or let it down?

With pretty bows all around.
Straight or shiny, wild or curly?
In one barrette or a silly net?
With beads and braids knots or waves?
ALL: How shall she wear her hair?
What should I do with my hair?

DAISY: Maybe this is too much hair! I can't go around with my ponytail this long. I liked it the way it was.
GOOFY: Gawrsh, I'm sorry, Daisy. I goofed up!
MICKEY MOUSE: Don't worry, Goof. I bet we can fix this. Right, Professor?
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Well now, talk about a bad hair day, would you? Oh, this is a real pickle is what this is. You know, it reminds me of
a fairy tale about a princess

with very, very long hair.
DAISY: You mean, just like me?
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Oh, yes. Rapunzel! The story of Rapunzel! That's exactly what we needing, the Rapunzel Flower.
It magically shrinks things down little.

We need twelve petals. And once we adding them to the yellow fritzer-spritzer spray, we can spritz and fix Princess Daisy's ponytail that she has.
MICKEY MOUSE: Great, Professor! Uh, where do we find the Rapunzel Flower?
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: It grows far, far away near the tower that's guarded by a witch.
GOOFY: Yikes! Sounds like
we're gonna need a lot of help.

MICKEY MOUSE: Good thing we've got a lot of friends.
DAISY: Will you help us get some petals from the Rapunzel Flower? Then the Professor can fix my ponytail. You will? Oh, goody-goody!
Come on, let's go get some mouseketools.

To the mousekedoer!
MICKEY MOUSE: Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi, mouseker-ho!
Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set, here we go!
You're a thinking and a solving work it through-er!
Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer!
Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer!
Oh, toodles! It's time to get to it.
Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it!
Meeska, mooska, mousekedoer!
Mouseketools, mouseketools, mouseketools!
CHORUS: Here are your Mouseketools!
Twist it up |
Let it down |
With pretty bows all around |
Straight |
Shiny |
Wild |
Curly |
In one barrette |
Net |
With beads |
Braids knots |
Waves |
Watch What should I do with my hair video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Daisy's Pony Tale
3. What should I do with my hair
Find the witch's tower
Ride the pony
Need the Rapunzel Flower
Which key will open the door
Being a big witch
Hot Dog Dance