MINNIE: Oh, but
the fun's not over yet,

DAISY: Now it's time for the fun fair square dance!
MINNIE: Stand up, everyone, and square dance with us!
MINNIE: Grab your partner dosey-do
let's all get up get ready to go
DAISY: Hold onto your hats hitch up your pants
We're doing the fun fair square dance.

MINNIE: Hop back three times
Hop hop hop!
DAISY: Hop forward three times
Hop hop hop!
ALL: Hop hop hop!
Hop hop hop!
And that's how ya do the fun fair square dance goody-goody!
DAISY [SPEAKING]: The square turned into a triangle! Yeah! Come on. Let's all do the triangle dance!
Let's slide this way,

Then slide that way
DAISY: This way, that way
Slide, slide!
This way, that way
Slide, slide!
ALL: And that's how you do
The Fun Fair triangle dance
MINNIE [SPEAKING]: Ooh, how fun is that!
The triangle turned into a circle!

Everybody hold hands and do the circle dance! Take it, Daisy!
DAISY: Let's go round and round
Then round once more
We'll do it two times
Three times, even four
Round and round, round we go!
Not too fast and not too slow!

MINNIE: And now we go back
To square one
DAISY: Wasn't our square dance
Lots of fun?
MINNIE: Sure was fun for everyone
ALL: Yee-ha!
CLARABELLE: Whoo, what a geometric jamboree! That means "a dance with lots of shapes and singing!"
GOOFY: Golly-gee-willikers! This fun fair is more fun than I've ever had at a fun fair!
Watch Square Dance video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey's Farm Fun Fair
Come On Over song
Egg and Spoon Race
High Higher Highest
Fun Fair Treat
7. Square Dance
Veggie and Fruit Contest
Get A Blue Ribbon
Hot Dog Dance