Welcome to our clubhouse!

Hiya, Pluto!
PLUTO: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
GOOFY: Don't worry, everybody. I'm a-okey-dokey! I always land on my two
feet. Almost always.
Goof, you and Pluto are just in time.

Because we're gonna do something really fun!
GOOFY: I love doing something fun!
MICKEY MOUSE: Say, that sounds like the silly switch. I wonder what it has for us today. Come on, help me pull the switch. Ready? Pull, pull, pull.
GOOFY: It's a big blue ribbon! Uh, what's that for?
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, a blue ribbon is a special kind of award, and today we're all gonna get one!
Just come on down to Mickey's Farm Fun Fair!

There's gonna be all sorts of games and contests and, Well, fun! Will you join us for the Farm Fun Fair? You will? Hot dog! Then let's get some mouseketools!
MICKEY MOUSE: Mouseker-hey, mouseker-hi, mouseker-ho!
Mouseker-ready, mouseker-set, here we go!
You're a thinking and a solving work it through-er!

Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer!
Mouseker-me, mouseker-you, mousekedoer!
Oh, Toodles! It's time to get to it.
Show us the Mouseketools to help us do it!
Meeska, mooska, mousekedoer!
Mouseketools, mouseketools, mouseketools!
CHORUS: Here are your Mouseketools!
MICKEY MOUSE: Ooh! We've got bottle caps!
the handy fishing pole!

A giant bendy straw. Bendy!
MICKEY MOUSE: And the mystery mouseketool. That's a surprise tool that can help us later.
MICKEY MOUSE: Toodles has the tools!
The Mouseketools!
So when we need them Toodles will bring them!
He's here for meedles and youdles.
And all we have to say is: Oh, Toodles!
All we have to say is: Oh, Toodles!
Watch Mickey's Farm Fun Fair video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Farm Fun Fair
Come On Over song
Egg and Spoon Race
High Higher Highest
Fun Fair Treat
Square Dance
Veggie and Fruit Contest
Get A Blue Ribbon
Hot Dog Dance