PETE: Testing, testing. One, two, three!
Can you hear me up

MICKEY MOUSE: We can hear you loud and clear, Witch Pete!
PETE: Look, I don't like being a little witch. I want to be a big witch again. If you help me grow up, I promise to give
you some of my Rapunzel Flower petals!
You got it,

Witch Pete.
DAISY: Let's use the Professor's fritzer-spritzer spray that makes things grow. We're gonna spritz, spritz, spritz, spritz him up like this.
MICKEY MOUSE: Hot dog! It worked!
PETE: Oh, thank you, thank you. That feels much better.
Nothing like being a big witch again.

Now then, exactly how many Rapunzel Flower petals do you need?
DAISY: How many? Twelve. Right.
PETE: Well then, that's one dozen Rapunzel Flower petals coming right up!
DAISY: Count the petals with us!
ALL: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
DAISY: That's a dozen.
MICKEY MOUSE: Thanks, Witch Pete!
Well sure thing, my fairy-tale friends.

MICKEY MOUSE: Come on, let's get back to the Clubhouse!
DONALD DUCK: Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la!
CHIP AND DALE: Princess Daisy is so fair.
Now let's go back and fix her hair.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Whoo boy! You made it back from the witch's tower all the way.
DAISY: And we got one dozen Rapunzel Flower petals.

Here, Professor.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Whoa, beautiful. Now let's adding the petals to my fritzer-spritzer spray potion, would you? Let's better hoping it works. Spritz with me, would you please? We're gonna spritz, spritz, spritz, spritz it up like this. Spritz, spritz, spritz.
DAISY: It worked.
ALL: Hooray!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Whoo boy! That's better. That hair do really is you, isn't it? See, the Professor is still a genius of some kind.
DAISY: Oh, goody-goody! I love happy endings. Thank you all so much for helping me fix my hair. Oh, how fun!
MICKEY MOUSE: Now let's have some more fun. Come on, everybody. Stand up and do the hot dog dance!
Watch Being a big witch video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Daisy's Pony Tale
What should I do with my hair
Find the witch's tower
Ride the pony
Need the Rapunzel Flower
Which key will open the door
8. Being a big witch
Hot Dog Dance