It says here that taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups. But only if the water's just right, not too hot and not too cold. DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy, oh, boy. What? Exasperating. DAISY: Oh, no. The water's too cold. GOOFY: Well, how will we know when the water is just right? DAISY: Oh, maybe one of our Mouseketools can help us. MICKEY MOUSE: Great idea, Daisy. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!" ALL: Oh, Toodles! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, gosh. Can we use a glue stick to tell the temperature? Nah, that's silly. Hey, this means it's time for the mystery Mouseketool. Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool." Today's mystery Mouseketool is... Wow! A toy thermometer.

Can a thermometer help us tell the temperature? Can a thermometer help us tell the temperature It sure can. We got ears, say "cheers!" We need to get the water's temperature just right. MINNIE: Uh-huh. When the temperature goes down into the blue area, that means the water is too cold. DAISY: When it goes up into the red area, it means the water is too hot. MICKEY MOUSE: But, when the temperature goes into the green area, that means the water is just right. Uh-oh. The temperature is down in the blue area. Is the water too hot or too cold? Ooh, too cold. MINNIE: To warm it up, do we add cold water or hot water? Hot water. That's right! DAISY: Let's try it and see.

MICKEY MOUSE: When the temperature goes into the green area say, "Just right." ALL: Just right. MINNIE: Look, we did it. The temperature is just right. DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. MICKEY MOUSE: Say, let's see if taking a bath got rid of anyone's hiccups. MICKEY MOUSE [singing]: Donald still has the hiccups and Goofy still has the hiccups too! Watch Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups video:
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Donald's Hiccups
3. A special dance called the Hiccup Polka
4. Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups
5. Doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane
6. Pineapple hiccup cure
7. Hot Dog Dance