MARTIAN MICKEY: Stop. This is the Sea of Sticky Sand. If you go any further, you'll get stuck. GOOFY: Whoa! It really is icky-sticky. How are we gonna get across a whole sea of sticky-ickiness? MARTIAN MICKEY: Why don't we call on your Toodles friend. How does it go again? Oh, yeah. Everybody say, "Toodles, oh." ALL: Toodles, oh. MICKEY MOUSE: We have the carpet and the Mystery Mouseketool.

DAISY: Do you think the carpet can help us get across the sticky sand? GOOFY: Golly, we can cover the sticky sand with the carpet and walk right over it. MICKEY MOUSE: We've got ears, say, "cheers." GOOFY: As long as we walk on the carpet we won't get stuck. PLUTO: [BARKS] MICKEY MOUSE: We made it.

Everybody into the crater. Let's find the Martian Treasure. DAISY: So, Martian Mickey, what did you do with your treasure once you got to the crater? MARTIAN MICKEY: We buried it inside the circle of stones. MICKEY MOUSE: Gosh. Do you see any stones around here? Nope. I don't either. MARTIAN MICKEY: But there was a circle of stones here earlier. I know there was. GOOFY: Hmm. It's a Martian mystery. DAISY: I think I know what happened to the circle of stones. The wind blew sand and covered them all up.

GOOFY: If only there was some way to get rid of all this doggone sand. MICKEY MOUSE: Well, there is a way. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles." ALL: Oh, Toodles. MICKEY MOUSE: All we have left is the Mystery Mouseketool. Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool." ALL: Mystery Mouseketool. MICKEY MOUSE: What's today's Mystery Mouseketool? GOOFY: It's a vacuum cleaner. That's exact-tackly what we need. MICKEY MOUSE: We've picked all our Mouseketools. Say, "super cheers."
Watch Sea of Sticky Sand
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Mickey's Message from Mars
3. Many space travelers
4. Special Martian Treasure
5. Giant Building Blocks
6. Sea of Sticky Sand
7. Yum-Blatz Dance
8. Martian Moon Festival
9. Hot Dog Dance