we know a great fun way to play

with sand. Building sandcastles.
PETE: Sandcastles? Oh, say, that does sound fun. You got yourself a deal, Mickey the Mouse.
Show us how to build sandcastles, and you get the bouncy ball back.
GOOFY: But, Mickey,
we don't have anything with us.

for building sandcastles
MICKEY MOUSE: Why sure we do, Goofy. Mouseketools. Everybody say...
ALL: Oh, Toodles.
MICKEY MOUSE: Hmm. Let's see what Mouseketool we can use to make sandcastles. The Mystery Mouseketool, or the sand bucket and shovel?
DONALD DUCK: Sand bucket and shovel.

MICKEY MOUSE: You're right, Donald. We got ears, say "Cheers."
PETE: Oh, that is so neat.
MINNIE: Come on, Mr. Pete, we'll show you how fun it is to build a sandcastle.
PETE: Leaping moon lizards. It sure is fun building sand castles.
MICKEY MOUSE: Here, your very own bucket and shovel to keep.
Now you can make sand castles whenever you want.

PETE: Really? For me? Why, that's the nicest thing I ever heard of. Ahem. Here, I've got something for you too.
GOOFY: Pluto's bouncy ball. Hurray! Hey, Donald, you're finally gonna get your turn to bounce it.
DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy. Give me. Give me. Hey.
MICKEY MOUSE: Gee, the bouncy ball bounced onto the dark side of the moon.
DONALD DUCK: What a predicament.
MICKEY MOUSE: Can anybody see Pluto's bouncy ball over there?
GOOFY: If only we had something like a flashlight to help us see in the dark.
PETE: Well, maybe one of them Mouseketoolies would help. Is this when we call the little flying gizmo-boy again?
MICKEY MOUSE: It sure is. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."
ALL: Oh, Toodles.
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See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Pluto's Bouncy Ball
Clubhouse Rocket Ship
What's a constellation
Rubber Duckies
Bouncy Shoes
7. Sand Bucket and Shovel
Glowing Glow Worm
Hot Dog Dance