DONALD DUCK: What am I gonna do? CLARABELLE: Let's give a big round of applause to Chip and Dale. Up next on my show, the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse singers. Uh... Now, where could they be? Mickey, where are you? DAISY: I guess we won't be singing on Clarabelle's TV show after all. DONALD DUCK: Oh, yes, we will. Oh, phooey. Oh, nuts. MINNIE: Donald, are you OK? DONALD DUCK: Oh, you guys just go on without me. MINNIE: Poor Donald. DAISY: What are we going to do?

GOOFY: Hey, let's use the pineapple hiccup cure. DAISY: Pineapple hiccup cure? MINNIE: Did he say "pineapple"? DONALD DUCK: What? MICKEY MOUSE: I know. We can look up "pineapple" in the hiccup book. MINNIE: Great idea. MICKEY MOUSE: Pineapple. It says here, instead of saying "pineapple," you have to eat a pineapple. ALL: Ohh. DONALD DUCK: Where can I get a pineapple? GOOFY: Well, I have a pineapple

right here under my hat. DONALD DUCK: A pineapple! GOOFY: At your service. DONALD DUCK: Let me have it. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. MICKEY MOUSE: Shh. Hear any hiccups? ALL: I don't hear anything. DONALD DUCK: Hey, my hiccups are gone. We did it! Oh, boy!

CLARABELLE: Now, where could those Mickey Mouse Clubhouse singers be? MICKEY MOUSE: Oh. We better get to the studio, and fast. Come on. CLARABELLE: Well, I guess that's it for today's show. I don't know what in heavens happened to Mickey and friends. MICKEY MOUSE: Here we are, Clarabelle. MINNIE: We made it. GOOFY: We're a-coming. CLARABELLE: Oh, how wonderful! I knew you'd come through. Boys and girls, it is my pleasure to introduce the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse singers.

ALL: Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? / M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E / Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck / Mickey Mouse / Donald Duck / Forever let us hold our banner high / High, high, high / Come along and sing a song and join the jamboree / M-I-C-K-E-Y / M-O-U-S-E. MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, gosh. Thanks everybody. Watch Pineapple hiccup cure video:
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Donald's Hiccups
3. A special dance called the Hiccup Polka
4. Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups
5. Doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane
6. Pineapple hiccup cure
7. Hot Dog Dance