Whoo, you found me, didn't you? I just remembered that I forgot to tell you where I was going. MICKEY MOUSE: That's okay, professor. But where is your telescope?

PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: And it's right over... What did I do with the thing? All right. Here it is. The Von Drake Portable Extendable Telescoping Telescope. Whoa! This fasuska telescope doesn't want to stay put. GOOFY: We need something to keep this thing from rolling away. DONALD DUCK: Yeah, like a Mouseketool. MICKEY MOUSE: Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles." ALL: Oh, Toodles. MICKEY: All
we got are building blocks.

PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Well, I got a theory. If Toodles would kindly put one block in front of each of the telescope wheels, that should keep it from rolling away. MICKEY MOUSE: We picked all our Mouseketools. Say, "Super Cheers." PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Oh, boy. What do you know, it worked. And
just in time because here comes Mickey's Comet.

Quick. Put your eye up to the telescope and take a look. Ooh, and you take a look too. ALL: Wow! MICKEY MOUSE: It looks like me. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: And that's why I have named it Mickey's Comet. Ha, ha. MINNIE: Oh, thank you, professor. That was spectacular. DONALD DUCK: You said it. GOOFY: Hooray. DAISY: Good for us. MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, boy. Mickey's Comet was terrific, wasn't it? MINNIE: Remember when we were looking for the path near the green circle with the red polka dots? How did we find the green circle? MICKEY: Right, we went as high as the giant's head and looked at things from his point of view. DAISY: What did it turn out to be? MICKEY: The cone-shaped apple tree. You betcha. Boy, what a hot-dog day. See you real soon.
Watch Is your telescope video
See other parts:
1. You can see Mickey's Comet
2. Pluto-Cam
3. A giant button
4. A green circle
5. Upside down
6. Steps to find the secret
7. Is your telescope
8. Hot Dog Dance