MICKEY MOUSE: Welcome to our clubhouse. Ooh, say, do you like to sing? Well, I love to sing. MINNIE: La la la la DAISY: Did somebody say sing? DONALD DUCK: Me, me, me, me, me.
GOOFY: You, you, you, you, you. MICKEY MOUSE: Today's an extra special day, because

we're gonna sing on the Clarabelle TV show. MINNIE: Uh-huh. And our friends and families are all going to be watching. GOOFY: Gosh, I'm so nervous. DAISY: Not me. I'm ready for my close-up. PLUTO: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. DONALD DUCK: Me too.

MICKEY MOUSE: we better get practicing. Here we go. ALL [singing]: Who's the leader of the club that's made for you and me? M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E MICKEY MOUSE: Mickey Mouse DONALD DUCK: Donald Duck MICKEY MOUSE: Mickey Mouse DONALD DUCK: Donald Duck

ALL: Forever let us hold our banner high High, high, high. DONALD DUCK: High... hiccups MINNIE: Oh, Donald. DONALD DUCK: Hiccups DAISY: You got the hiccups. DONALD DUCK: No, I... don't. hiccups Oh, brother. MINNIE: Oh, Donald, we've got to get rid of your hiccups. DONALD DUCK: Why? DAISY: Because you can't sing with the hiccups. DONALD DUCK: Oh, sure I... hiccups can. Watch this. Row, row, row your boa... hiccups Gently down the street... hiccups Oh, phooey. MINNIE: Oh, poor fella. DAISY: Mickey, what are we going to do?

MICKEY MOUSE: Well, we need to find a way to get rid of Donald's hiccups. GOOFY: Well, that's easy. Just say "pineapple." MINNIE: Pineapple? MICKEY MOUSE: Where'd you get that idea, Goofy? GOOFY: My pineapple underpants. [singing] Pineapple underpants / Pineapple underpants [all hiccuping] MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, no. We've all got the... The... hiccups DONALD DUCK: The hiccups. MICKEY MOUSE: And we're supposed to sing on the Clarabelle show today. CLARABELLE: Welcome to the Clarabelle show. And boy, do

we have some special guests for you today: it's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse singers. MINNIE: Oh, Mickey, we can't sing with these hiccups. DONALD DUCK: Oh, now we'll never get to be on television. MICKEY MOUSE: Looks like we're gonna need some help from our friends. Will you help us get rid of...? MINNIE: Of our hiccups? DAISY: So we can all sing... hiccups You will? MICKEY MOUSE: Hot diggity dog. MINNIE: Come on, everybody... Oh.

DAISY: Let's go get some Mouseketools. GOOFY: From the Mousekedoer. DONALD DUCK: Oh, boy... oh, boy. MICKEY MOUSE: Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi Mouseker-ho / Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set / Here we go / You're a thinking and a solving work it through-er / Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you Mousekedoer / Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you Mousekedoer / Meeska, mooska, Mousekedoer / Mouseketools, Mouseketools Mouseketools CHORUS: Here are your Mouseketools. Watch Donald's Hiccups video:
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Donald's Hiccups
3. A special dance called the Hiccup Polka
4. Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups
5. Doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane
6. Pineapple hiccup cure
7. Hot Dog Dance
Also you can watch
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