MICKEY MOUSE: Hey, Pluto's hiccups went away. DAISY: Wonderful! MINNIE: Yay! MICKEY MOUSE: Good job, everybody. DONALD DUCK: Let me see that book. MICKEY MOUSE: Let's see. The book says

you can also get rid of hiccups by doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane. DONALD DUCK: Loop the loops? MICKEY MOUSE: You guys can take the Toonplane. Come on. MICKEY MOUSE: Uh, you know how to fly, right, Goofy? GOOFY: Why, sure. It's as easy as one, two, five. DONALD DUCK: Oh, brother. GOOFY: Gosh, Mickey, look.

The tail feathers are missing on the Toonplane. MICKEY MOUSE: Actually, hmm... they fell off. DONALD DUCK: Now we'll never get rid of the... hiccups. MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, sure we will. I betcha a Mouseketool can help us. Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles!" GOOFY AND DONALD DUCK: Oh, Toodles! MICKEY MOUSE: Hmm. Can a glue stick help us put the tail feathers back on the plane? You betcha! We picked all the Mouseketools. Say, "Super cheers!" MICKEY MOUSE: Count the feathers with me. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve. Hot dog, we fixed it. Good counting. All aboard. GOOFY: Yeah, let's fly. Fasten your seat belts. Wa, hoo! MICKEY MOUSE: Here come the loop the loops.

Count backwards from 15 with me. Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! Wow! 15 loop the loops. Good backward counting. Come on. Let's go see if their hiccups are gone. MICKEY MOUSE: Shh. Hear any hiccups? GOOFY: Well, what do you know? I don't have the hiccups anymore. ALL: Hooray! MICKEY MOUSE: Let's listen to see if Donald got rid of his hiccups too. DONALD DUCK: I think I did. MICKEY MOUSE: Sorry, Donald. Sounds like you still have the hiccups. Watch Doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane video:
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Donald's Hiccups
3. A special dance called the Hiccup Polka
4. Taking a bath can get rid of the hiccups
5. Doing 15 loop the loops in an airplane
6. Pineapple hiccup cure
7. Hot Dog Dance