Life with Louie 9 The Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving

Life with Louie 9 The Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving
Watch Life with Louie 9 The Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving
directed by Matthew O' Callaghan, written by Alex Taub, storyboard by Carin-Anne Anderson, Dan Fausett, Mark Mulgrew, Keith Tucker, Jorge Burge, Steve Lumley, Robert Smit and Deke Wightman. Episode 9 from animated series Life with Louie Season 1 1995-1996 produced by Fox Kids Network, Hyperion Animation, The Anderson/Hassan Company.


After failing as the turkey, Louie must deliver an oral report to the entire student body on the meaning of Thanksgiving. All of the Anderson family comes to Louie's house for Thanksgiving dinner.

Dialogues with pictures

LOUIE [narrating]: All started the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. PRINCIPAL HALLORAN: You've got to get dressed the pageant's about to start. LOUIE: I have to play the turkey
I have to play the turkey
every year. I want to be Squanto. PRINCIPAL HALLORAN: You're the only one who knows the turkey's line. Now, how are all those kids supposed to learn about the meaning of Thanksgiving?
meaning of Thanksgiving?

LOUIE: Mom, just hypothetically, what's the meaning of Thanksgiving? ORA: Everyone knows that it's pumpkin pie.
pumpkin pie
ANDY: Well it's true, I am a fountain of knowledge. It's like any other holiday comes from the Latin loosely translated it means a lot of annoying people in your house. LOUIE: Thanks Dad.

LOUIE [narrating]: We just about finished the Anderson family jigsaw puzzle
Anderson family jigsaw puzzle
when... ORA: Uncle Sammy put him at the head of the table. ANDY: Who invited that clown? LOUIE [narrating]: My dad couldn't stand Uncle Sam. It wasn't just that he was my mom's brother or that he was never in the military. What he really hated was that Sammy was rich and he never let Dad forget. ANDY: What's the matter didn't the Queen of England invite him this year. ORA: They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. ANDY: She's been a bad mood since Eisenhower. He doesn't talk to anyone. ANDY: Mimi darling, the life of the party,
life of the party
can I take your coat there. MIMI: I won't be staying that long.

UNCLE SAMMY: The story of Thanksgiving. November 1620 Plymouth Rock, a sailboat the Mayflower filled with over a hundred brave little voyages from England. The pilgrims finally arrives in the new world, America. They're welcomed by the Patuxent Indians. ANDY: That's right Sammy ten years earlier that rock was still under water. A Viking ship from Norway is lost in the Atlantic when it hits that reef and runs a ground. Everyone has lost at sea. Everyone that is except for one clucky fighting: Gunter Anderson.
Gunter Anderson

Cast as voices

Louie Anderson as Louie / Andy (Dad), Edie McClurg as Ora Anderson (Mom), Miko Hughes as Tommy, Barry Corbin as Uncle Sammy, Meagen Fay as Principal Halloran, Patti Deutsch as Sylvia, Miriam Flynn as Aunt Mimi, watch Full Cast.

Watch full episode 9 free


Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October.

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