MICKEY MOUSE: It sure is getting cloudy up here. I can't see a thing. DONALD DUCK: Yeah, and I can't read my Christmas list. MICKEY MOUSE: We're gonna need a mouseketool to help us see through these cloudy clouds. Everybody say "Oh, Tootles." DONALD DUCK: Oh, Tootles. MICKEY MOUSE: There he is. Skis, a spotlight, or the mystery mouseketool. Which one can help us see through these cloudy cloud? MICKEY MOUSE: The spotlight.

We got ears. Say cheers. Help me scan the clouds with the spotlight, everybody. We don't want to bump into anything. Hold up your spotlight and point it to the left. Do you see anything coming? No, not on the left. Now point your spotlight to the right. Do you see anything coming now? No, not on the right. Finally,

point your spotlight to the middle. Now do you see anything coming? You do? What is it? A duck. That's Professor von Drake. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Coming through, Mickey. MICKEY MOUSE: Quick, everybody, let's zoom out of his way. MICKEY MOUSE AND DONALD DUCK: Zoom! PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Woo-hoo! Thank you. DONALD DUCK: No! My Christmas list! MICKEY MOUSE: Uh-oh. MRS. CLAUS: This way. Follow me. DONALD DUCK: What about my Christmas list?

MICKEY MOUSE: Wow! Look at all that snow. We must be at the North Pole. Oh, no. We're out of gas. DONALD DUCK: Oh, drat it. MICKEY MOUSE: We better land this plane, and fast. Everybody, stretch your arms out and help us land. Count down from ten with us. Ready? MICKEY MOUSE AND DONALD DUCK: Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. MICKEY MOUSE: We landed the Toon plane. Hot dog! Great flying, everybody.
Watch Point your spotlight video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Your Christmas lists
3. Help us rescue Santa
4. Donald Duck point your spotlight
5. Top of Mistletoe Mountain
6. The special Santa call
7. Let's all ride Santa's sleigh
8. Hot Dog Dance