Life with Louie 7 Alive! Miracle in Cedar Knoll Wisconsin

Life with Louie 7 Alive! Miracle in Cedar Knoll Wisconsin
Watch Life with Louie 7 Alive! Miracle in Cedar Knoll Wisconsin
directed by Matthew O' Callaghan, written by Alex Taub, storyboard by Dan Fausett and Keith Tucker. Episode 7 from animated series Life with Louie Season 1 1995-1996 produced by Fox Kids Network, Hyperion Animation, The Anderson / Hassan Company.


Andy and Ora leave Cedar Knoll Wisconsin to visit Grandma who made flu. Louie and Tommy are left alone at the house as a blizzard hits and causes a blackout in town.

Dialogues with pictures

LOUIE [narrating]: They convinced me that the Wisconsin snow Grizzly lived in our basement for years I refused to go down there until I got a little older, a little smarter and a little brother. For three and a half years I spent every waking moment devising new ways to scare my little brother. And then one cold December day all that changed. The very last episode of night sniffer Dog of Justice was going to be on TV that night. Nothing was going to prevent me from watching that show.
prevent me from watching that show

LOUIE [narrating]: I'd engineered an intricate master plan. TOMMY: Hey Lewis, what are you watching?
what are you watching?
LOUIE: Night's number Dog of Justice final episode.
Dog of Justice final episode
TOMMY: Wow can I watch? LOUIE: No it's a private screening. TOMMY: I can't too it's a free country. LOUIE [narrating]: My plan was working out perfectly. I covered every angle. ANDY: Louie, Tommy, grab your coat. We're gone to Grandma. LOUIE: Why do we have to go? ANDY: Because we love her. ORA: Grandma's gotta touch of the flu. We're gonna make her some dinner. Little company will do her some good.

ORA: Mama how are you feeling?
Mama how are you feeling?
GRANDMA HENRIETTA: Well, now that you ask me, my nose is running like the Amazon, my breakfast keeps coming back on me and my head's full. ANDY: Okay, thanks for sharing that Grandma.

MIKE GRUNEWALD: Sorry about that Louie, didn't mean to scare you. TODDLER TOBOLINSKI: Yes, you did. LOUIE: What are you guys doing here?
What are you guys doing here?
JEANNIE HARPER: Well, when the power went out, we came by to see if you guys were all right. LOUIE: Why are you in my basement? TODDLER TOBOLINSKI: That was Grunewald's idea, he wanted to try to scare you.

Cast as voices

Louie Anderson as Louie / Andy (Dad), Edie McClurg as Ora Anderson (Mom), Justin Shenkarow as Michael Grunewald, Miko Hughes as Tommy, Debi Derryberry as Jeannie Harper, Justin Shenkarow as Michael Grunewald, Benjamin Kimball Smith as Toddler, Mary Wickes as Grandma, watch Full Cast.

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