Andy Anderson is a fictional character created by Louie Anderson and Matthew O'Callaghan in animated series produced by Fox Kids Network, Hyperion Animation, The Anderson/Hassan Company Life with Louie with his family in the town of Cedar Knoll, Wisconsin during the early 1960s.
Andrew "Andy" Mortimer Anderson, Louie's difficult but caring father, Ora's husband and Helga Anderson's son, is a war veteran. He is boastful and exaggerates every time by inventing stories in which he saves all mankind.
LOUIE: Who is yours? ANDY: Too early for this garbage Christmas show. Disguises a fishing show. I know what there's a sound on the boat.
His car is a classic Rambler that he wouldn't give up for anything in the world.
Andy catchphrases: "For crying out loud!" and "I heard that." Despite his appearance, he is a very caring and loving person.