
The Sheep Song can be heard at JumpStart Toddlers game.
I'm baa-baa sheep I wear a bell.Baa-baa! I have wool to sell.
I baa-baa up, I baa-baa down.
I baa-baa all around the town. Baa!
Vocals performed by Beth Marlin LichterWritten by Beth Marlin Lichter and Jon Baker
Songs arranged and recorded by Jon Baker at the Bakery
(c) 1996 Knowledge Adventure, Inc.
Watch the song
Sheep are key symbols in fables and nursery rhymes like The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing, Little Bo Peep, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, and Mary Had a Little Lamb; novels such as George Orwell's Animal Farm and Haruki Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase; songs such as Bach's Sheep may safely graze (Schafe können sicher weiden) and Pink Floyd's "Sheep", and poems like William Blake's "The Lamb". Also, you can like other toddlers songs from the game as:
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