
The Elephant Song can be heard at JumpStart Toddlers game.
I'm an elephant, I've got elephant eyesElephant ears, and big surprise!
When I use my trunk to take an elephant bath,
All the little fishies in the fish pond laugh!
Vocals performed by Beth Marlin LichterWritten by Beth Marlin Lichter and Jon Baker
Songs arranged and recorded by Jon Baker at the Bakery
(c) 1996 Knowledge Adventure, Inc.
In many cultures, elephants represent strength, power, wisdom, longevity, stamina, leadership, sociability, nurturance and loyalty.
Several cultural references emphasise the elephant's size and exotic uniqueness. For instance, a "white elephant" is a byword for something expensive, useless, and bizarre. The expression "elephant in the room" refers to an obvious truth that is ignored or otherwise unaddressed.
The story of the blind men and an elephant teaches that reality can be observed from different perspectives.
Watch the song

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