CHEF ANDRE: King Roland.
KING ROLAND II: Chef Andre. How's the food for tomorrow's
anniversary ball coming along?
CHEF ANDRE: We are making all of the queen's favorites: elf-grown kale fritters, refried magic beans, jiggly wiggly pudding.
KING ROLAND II: Jiggly wiggly pudding? I don't suppose
you could spare a taste, or two, or three, or four!

KING ROLAND II: Oh, hello, Amber.
PRINCESS AMBER: I really need to talk to you. Alone.
KING ROLAND II: All right, then. Mmm. Carry on. Now, what can I do for you, sweetheart?
PRINCESS AMBER: How could you give Sofia the best amulet in the entire kingdom?
KING ROLAND II: I don't know if it's the best.
It's the best and I want one just like it.

KING ROLAND II: I'm sorry. It's one of a kind. Just like you.
PRINCESS AMBER: Okay, then. I want an amulet that is even more special one of a kind.
KING ROLAND II: But you already have so many lovely necklaces, Amber.
BAILEYWICK: Ah, King Roland. There you are. I need you in the ballroom to look at tomorrow's seating chart. At the moment we have you know who seated next to
you don't want to know who.

KING ROLAND II: Oh, we can't have that.
BAILEYWICK: Don't I know it.
KING ROLAND II: I'm sorry, Amber. I have to go.
I didn't get what I wanted yet.

KING ROLAND II: We'll talk more later. I promise.
PRINCESS AMBER: Ohh! It's not fair. Sofia gets a magical amulet and I get a magical nothing. Ohh!
KING ROLAND II: Baileywick, I want to surprise
Queen Miranda with a special anniversary breakfast tomorrow morning before the ball.
BAILEYWICK: How delightful.
Would you like breakfast in bed or in the dining room?

KING ROLAND II: Neither. Just have the kitchen prepare a picnic basket for two and I'll take it from there.
BAILEYWICK: Even more delightful.
SOFIA: Who is it?
PRINCESS AMBER: It's me. I was thinking that we could have a sleepover tonight.
SOFIA: I thought you were mad at me.
PRINCESS AMBER: Oh, I got over it. It's your amulet and if you can't take it off, that's fine with me. So, what do you say?
SOFIA: Sure, Amber.
I'd love to have a sleepover.

SOFIA: We could play games and tell ghost stories...
Whatever you want to do.

SOFIA: Oh, and we can sleep in a tent on the floor.
Sleeping on the floor in a tent, what a great idea!

SOFIA: Do you have a nine?
PRINCESS AMBER: Yep. Here you go. And look at that, you won! Again! All this losing has tired me out. Let's go to sleep.
SOFIA: But I'm not sleepy. Okay.
PRINCESS AMBER: 'night, Sofia.
SOFIA: Goodnight, Amber. Sweet dreams.
PRINCESS AMBER: Oh, Sofia, if you won't give me a turn, I'm just gonna have to take one myself. Oh, I can't do it. Yes, I can. No, I shouldn't. Yes, I should. Oh! I'm just going to take one tiny turn, which I totally deserve, and then I'll give it right back.
Watch Sofia the First Want one just like it video
See other parts:
Sofia The First Main Title Theme
Sofia the First Can talk to animals
3. Sofia the First Want one just like it
Sofia the First The curse of Princess Ivy
Sofia the First A kingdom of my own Princess Ivy song
Sofia the First Find a way to break the curse
Sofia the First How to drive a flying coach
Sofia the First Where Everburn the elder dragon is
Sofia the First Smoke Wings and Fire Dragons song
Sofia the First Get the amulet back
Sofia the First Dare to risk it all Rapunzel song
Sofia the First Where she came from