PRINCE JAMES: It's our family crest.
QUEEN MIRANDA: That's right, James. Because that is what all this is really about, becoming a new family.
KING ROLAND II: Sofia, welcome to the family.

BAILEYWICK: All hail Queen Miranda and Princess Sofia!
CEDRIC: Grow ye, flora!
KING ROLAND II: Cedric. I said flowers, not showers.
CEDRIC: Oh. Excuse me, Your Highness. I'm still breaking in my new wand.
That's Cedric, our royal sorcerer.

He comes from along line of royal sorcerers. So, we're stuck with him.
CEDRIC: Mmm. Ooh!
SOFIA: Ooh. Rose petals. Should I wave?
PRINCESS AMBER: Yes. You should wave.
SOFIA: Right. Hi! Hello!
PRINCESS AMBER: We don't have to curtsy unless they're royalty.
SOFIA: I think it's going to take me a while to get the hang of things around here.
PRINCESS AMBER: Just follow my lead and you'll be okay.

SOFIA: Great.
PRINCESS AMBER: That means I lead. You follow.
SOFIA: Oh. Okay. Following.
SERVANT #1: Oh, be careful, mate. That's the new princess' throne.
CEDRIC: Child! Watch where you're dawdling.
SOFIA: Mr. Ceedric!
CEDRIC: It's Cedric.
SOFIA: It's so great to meet a real live sorcerer.

That flower trick was amazing.
CEDRIC: If by amazing, you mean a complete waste of my talents, then, yes, thank you. I should be out slaying dragons, battling ogres. But, no! King Roland has me doing parlor tricks when I should be...
SOFIA: Mr. Ceedric?
I am Baileywick, the castle steward.

It is my responsibility to make sure everything in the castle is where it should be, when it should be, and you, my dear, should be in the banquet hall, 30 seconds ago.
SOFIA: Oh, right.
BAILEYWICK: Off you go.
SOFIA: Going.
SOFIA: Yes, Your Majesty?
KING ROLAND II: Call me Roland or "You with the crown" or Dad. It's a tradition to provide
an official welcome to every new member of the royal family.

For your mother, it was the wedding. But for you, we will be throwing a royal ball in your honor at week's end.
PRINCE JAMES: Brilliant!
BAILEYWICK: James, manners.
SOFIA: A ball? Just for me?
PRINCESS AMBER: Father, why didn't I get a ball?
KING ROLAND II: You did, Amber. When you and your brother were born.
PRINCE JAMES: You don't remember?
KING ROLAND II: Sofia, it will be your royal debut. And you and I shall dance the first waltz.
QUEEN MIRANDA: Oh, Rollie. You're so sweet.
SOFIA: I have to dance?
KING ROLAND II: Why, what better way to let everyone in the tree-kingdom area know that Princess Sofia has arrived!
SOFIA: This is my room?
BAILEYWICK: No, sweetie. This is your room.
SOFIA: It's so huge.
Looks like the standard princess suite to me.

You've got your canopy bed, window seat, playing area, reading nook. And in here, you'll find all your gowns and royal accessories.
BAILEYWICK: Now, if you need anything at all, any time of day,
all you have to do is ring this bell.

MARCIE: Yes, mum. You rang?
BAILEYWICK: Do you need anything?
SOFIA: I don't know. Do I?
BAILEYWICK: Well, when you know what you need, you know what to do. Good evening, Princess Sofia.
SOFIA: 'Night.
Watch Sofia the First new member of the royal family
See other parts:
Sofia The First Main Title Theme
Sofia the First Once Upon a Princess
3. Sofia the First new member of the royal family
Sofia the First I'm not ready to be a princess song
Sofia the First have princess school
Sofia the First Royal Prep song
Sofia the First welcome all the new students
Sofia the First where the magic happens
Sofia the First A Little Bit of Food song
Sofia the First know for the ball
Sofia the First needed dance lessons
Sofia the First Cinderella True Sisters song
Sofia the First get the spell book