The comb must have some kind of protection charm on it. Catch that mermaid, Wormy! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Help! Sofia! PRINCESS SOFIA: Oona? I'm coming! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Oh! CEDRIC: Pardon me, excuse me, pardon me. Out of my way, seafood! PRINCESS SOFIA: Pardon me, excuse me. I'm sorry, excuse me. CEDRIC: Well done, Wormy. PRINCESS SOFIA: Where did they go? Oona? Oona? CEDRIC: Excellent. Now,

let's take the mermaid back to the boat. so I can find a spell that will break the protection charm. Oh, unless you'd like to save us all the trouble and hand over the mermaid comb now. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Okay. CEDRIC: You mean it? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Never! CEDRIC: Oh, that was unwise. And surprisingly painful. But

I will get your comb one way or another. Let's go, Wormy. PRINCESS SOFIA: Oona? Oh, no. PLANK: Why isn't the ship moving yet? They haven't even lifted the anchor! QUEEN EMMALINE: Patience, Plank. PRINCESS SOFIA: Help! Help!

A sea monster took Oona! It chased her into the kelp forest. And then they disappeared. QUEEN EMMALINE: Oona's gone? That's not possible. PLANK: Is a trick, your majesty. We all know

there are no sea monsters in these waters. PRINCESS SOFIA: But I saw it! PLANK: The humans must have taken Oona captive and sent the girl back to lie to us. PRINCESS SOFIA: That's not true! PLANK: Queen Emmaline,

use your trident to conjure a storm so fierce, it will sink the ship so we can take Oona back ourselves! PRINCESS SOFIA: No! QUEEN EMMALINE: Then have your people return my daughter at once. PRINCESS SOFIA: I can't! QUEEN EMMALINE: Then you give me no choice. PRINCESS SOFIA: Wait!

I'll find a way to bring Oona back. I just need a little time. Please, your majesty. QUEEN EMMALINE: You have until sundown. PRINCESS SOFIA: Okay. PLANK: We should sink the ship now. QUEEN EMMALINE: And endanger all those people? Plank, I know what happened to you the last time humans were in the cove.

Follow the girl. Just keep an eye on her and let me know if you see Oona. PLANK: I will, your majesty. PRINCESS CORA: Mom, is Oona going to be okay? QUEEN EMMALINE: Of course, Cora. One way or another we'll get her back. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Let me out, you ugly sea monster. CEDRIC: Not until I get your comb. And let's not get personal.
Watch Sofia the First Will get your comb
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends