PLANK: The girl went up to a ship then came back in the water and swam off. QUEEN EMMALINE: Was Oona with her? PLANK: No. And need I remind you that not only is Oona in jeopardy, but so is the mermaid comb. If the humans take it, they'll have the power of the ocean at their fingertips! Use your trident. Conjure a storm that will sink their ship then we can swim inside it and take Oona back ourselves.

QUEEN EMMALINE: If we sink their ship, the humans could all perish. PRINCESS CORA: But mom, we can't just let them keep Oona. QUEEN EMMALINE: I'll give them one more hour. If your sister isn't released by then, we will bring their ship to the bottom of the cove. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA:

You can keep me in here as long as you want. I'm never giving up my comb. I promised my mother I wouldn't let anyone else have it. CEDRIC: Oh, then it'll be

a terrible shame when that promise is broken, because the mermaid comb of Merroway Cove will be mine! This spell is going to undo the magic charm protecting your comb and deliver it right into the palm of my hand! Oh, I mean flipper, whatever this is. Forces of magic, with power beyond measure, break the enchantment and bring me the treasure! FARLEY THE SEAGULL: But what, what is that? CEDRIC: Didn't work. Oh, Wormy, I'll get you back in the water. I'll have to find another spell. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Oona! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Okay. Sofia's gonna owe me big time for this. Pretty good view from up here. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: No rats on my ship! Hold up! Stop! Whoa, I say! Off with it! FARLEY THE SEAGULL:

You are just as heavy as you look, you know that?Are you kidding me? I must have shed five ounces climbing up all those stairs. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: I found Oona. CLOVER THE RABBIT: You did? FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Yeah, but now I can't find Sofia. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Hey, there she is. Down there! SVEN THE SEAHORSE: We should keep looking. PRINCESS SOFIA: I'm going to check in with Clover. Maybe he saw something. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Right. And who is Clover, exactly? CLOVER THE RABBIT: Sofia! Huh? Aah! FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Thanks for the soft landing. Sofia,

the sea monster has Oona on a boat. PRINCESS SOFIA: Where? FARLEY THE SEAGULL: I'll show you! Follow me! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Wait. You're going alone? PRINCESS SOFIA: No. Farley and Sven are going with me. No one else believes me, so I have to try myself. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Be careful, Sofia. CEDRIC: Yes! Now, this spell will surely get that comb. Suspendus denati venite! Ah! Merlin's mushrooms! I'll have to consult my other spell books. Hmm. Which book? Ah! The joy of sorcery. Yes. Perfect. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Farley! Sofia! PRINCESS SOFIA: Where's that monster? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA:

Up there, he's trying to steal my enchanted comb. PRINCESS SOFIA: Don't worry. I'll get you out. Where's the key? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: I don't know. PRINCESS SOFIA: There it is! CEDRIC: Aah! FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Go, Sofia! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Hurry! CEDRIC: Not so fast! PRINCESS SOFIA: The key! No! Oh, where'd it go? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: What happened?

PRINCESS SOFIA: Did you see a key? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: A key, a key, a key. What's a key? PRINCESS SOFIA: We've got to find it. CEDRIC: Oh, well, I was aiming for the princess, not the key, but not to worry, I still have you.
Watch Sofia the First went up to a ship
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends