Now both of us have lost our lunch. CLOVER THE RABBIT: My lunch. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: It's nobody's lunch now. Right, I'm off. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Come on, stop it! FARLEY THE SEAGULL: This is awkward. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Mm-hmm. BAILEYWICK: Your majesties, Lunch is served on the terrace. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: Still getting our sea legs, are we? BAILEYWICK: I've never felt better, admiral Hornpipe? QUEEN MIRANDA: Baileywick, will you

find Sofia and let her know it's time to eat? BAILEYWICK: Right away, your majesty. QUEEN MIRANDA: I wonder, where is she? PRINCESS AMBER: Oh, probably back to her room to finish her book. KING ROLAND II: I don't know why anyone would want to stay inside on such a prefect day. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Sofia, wait! PRINCESS SOFIA: What is it? SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Let me look at you. Hold still. Hmm. Seahorses always know when someone is telling the truth. And you were telling the truth! Which means

Oona really was captured by a sea monster. We have to find her. I'll help you look. PRINCESS SOFIA: But she could be anywhere. SVEN THE SEAHORSE: Then we'll search the entire cove. PRINCESS SOFIA: But we only have until the end of the day. And there are only two of us. SVEN THE SEAHORSE:

Is there anyone in that ship of yours who can help us? BAILEYWICK: Sofia! There you are. PRINCESS SOFIA: Baileywick, I need to talk to mom and dad right away. BAILEYWICK: Look who I found. PRINCESS SOFIA: Mom! Dad! QUEEN MIRANDA: Sofia!

Why is your hair wet? You know you're not supposed to go swimming by yourself. PRINCESS SOFIA: I need your help. Something terrible has happened. KING ROLAND II: What? PRINCESS SOFIA: Well, it's a long story. I met a mermaid. PRINCESS AMBER: You did? PRINCE JAMES: No way! PRINCESS AMBER: Where is she? I want to see her. KING ROLAND II: Amber! Sofia's just kidding. Right? PRINCESS SOFIA: No, dad.

I really met a mermaid. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: Impossible! PRINCESS SOFIA: But I did. Her name's Oona and we need to rescue her. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: From what? PRINCESS SOFIA: A sea monster kidnapped her, admiral Hornpipe, and her mother, the mermaid queen, thinks we took her, so if we don't save Oona by sundown, the queen is going to make a storm that is going to sink our floating palace. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: Ha! That's preposterous. KING ROLAND II: It does seem a little far-fetched, Sofia. PRINCESS AMBER: It sounds like one of the stories in her mermaid book. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: Well, perhaps Sofia

fell asleep reading her book and dreams about all this balderdash. PRINCESS SOFIA: It's not balderdash. QUEEN MIRANDA: So then, can we meet one of these mermaids? PRINCESS SOFIA: Well, no. You can't. Not right now because Oona's missing and the others are too scared to come up to the surface. ADMIRAL HORNPIPE: Well, there you have it. Either she dreams it, or she's making it up.

QUEEN MIRANDA: Sofia doesn't make things up. PRINCESS AMBER: She's always pretending to talk to that bunny of hers. PRINCESS SOFIA: Clover. He'll help me. I gotta go. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Still awkward! PRINCESS SOFIA: Clover, I've been looking everywhere for you. Oh. What happened? CLOVER THE RABBIT: This seagull took my lunch. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: The lunch you took from the galley. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Where else was I supposed to get it?

PRINCESS SOFIA: It doesn't matter, I really need your help. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Are you two talking? CLOVER THE RABBIT: What does it look like we're doing? PRINCESS SOFIA: Oona's in trouble. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Oona the mermaid? PRINCESS SOFIA: You know her? FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Yeah. PRINCESS SOFIA: A sea monster kidnapped her. CLOVER THE RABBIT: A sea monster? PRINCESS SOFIA:

Can you help me look for her, Clover? CLOVER THE RABBIT: Sure, kid. I'll hop up to the top of the palace. Oh, I bet you could see the whole cove from up there. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Righto. And I'll search from the air. PRINCESS SOFIA: You will? Thanks, Mr. Seagull. FARLEY THE SEAGULL: But I'm Farley! PRINCESS SOFIA: Well, thanks Mr. Farley seagull. I'm going back in the water. Oh, I hope we can find her. CLOVER THE RABBIT: We will. Whew. One step down, way too many to go. PLANK: Huh? Where are they going? And where's Oona?
Watch Sofia the First Really need your help
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends