it was nice meeting you, Sofia. PRINCESS SOFIA: Wait! Don't go. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Ow! PRINCESS SOFIA: What's wrong? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: I can't swim. I must've hurt my fin in the net. PRINCESS SOFIA:

I'll help you. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Oh, whoa, whoa! PRINCESS SOFIA: Here, take my hand. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Uh, Sofia? Your legs are going away. PRINCESS SOFIA: What's happening? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia! How'd you do that? PRINCESS SOFIA: With each deed performed for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse.

My amulet gives me special powers when I do good things. I helped you out of the net so the amulet gave me the power to transform into a mermaid. Do you know what that means? MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: What? PRINCESS SOFIA:

I can swim in the water like a mermaid! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: Sofia! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Sofia? PRINCESS SOFIA: This is incredible! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Ah! MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: I can't believe your amulet turned you into a mermaid. PRINCESS SOFIA: Now I can help you back to the platform. MERMAID PRINCESS OONA: But I need to get home. Just at the bottom of the cove. PRINCESS SOFIA: Great. Clover? I'll be back soon. I'm going to

see where the mermaids live. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Okay, have fun. Wait! You're going where? SHOAL OF FISH: Pardon me, excuse me, pardon me. PRINCESS SOFIA: Sorry. Still getting used to the tail. CLOVER THE RABBIT: Man,

this is one strange vacation . Hey! That's my lunch! FARLEY THE SEAGULL: Finders keepers, bunny! CLOVER THE RABBIT: Oh, you won't be keeping it for long, seagull. CEDRIC: Right, we'll just borrow this lifeboat and find a nice, private hiding place where no precocious princesses will get in our way. Oh, Wormy.

This cave will be the perfect spot to hatch our scheme. Now, let's find that spell. We are going to

transform ourselves into the most magnificent sea creatures. Then we can dive straight to the bottom of the cove and find that mermaid comb. Where is it? Where is it? Aha! There! Air to water, land to sea, actuus gillen maritee! It worked! Oh, relax, Wormy. This way, we'll blend in with the other sea life. FISH: Wow, you guys sure stick out. New around here, eh? Oh, love the clown mask. Very funny. CEDRIC: Ooh, everyone's a critic. No matter. Soon the mermaid comb will be ours and then the entire kingdom. Off we go, Wormy!
Watch Sofia the First Like a mermaid
See other parts:
1. Sofia The First Main Title Theme
2. Sofia the First The Floating Palace
3. Sofia the First Like a mermaid
4. Sofia the First New world under the sea
5. Sofia the First Merroway Cove song
6. Sofia the First We can trust her
7. Sofia the First Will get your comb
8. Sofia the First really need your help
9. Sofia the First went up to a ship
10. Sofia the First Princess Ariel help
11. Sofia the First The Love We Share song
12. Sofia the First big sister looking out
13. Sofia the First we can be friends