MINNIE: Oh, it looks like the one in China. How exciting! MICKEY MOUSE: Whoa! That's a great wall, all right!

A little dancing dragon! CHIP: Ni hao! That's Mandarin Chinese for hello! MICKEY MOUSE: Ni hao, fellas!

CHIP: We're the protectors of the Great Wall! MICKEY MOUSE: Gosh, you make a swell dragon! CHIP: Xie xie! That means thank you in Mandarin Chinese! DALE: How can we help you? MICKEY MOUSE: Well,

we're going around the Clubhouse World and we need just one more stamp for our passport! DALE: We'll be glad to give you a stamp... CHIP: If you can find a way to the other side of the Great Wall! MINNIE: Oh dear! How are we going to do that, Mickey? MICKEY MOUSE: Let's hope Toodles has a Mouseketool to help us! Everybody say: Oh, Toodles! ALL: Oh, Toodles! TOODLES: Wheeee! MICKEY MOUSE: We've got some tickets and a fortune cookie. Gee, which Mouseketool can help us get past the Great Wall? MINNIE: Well, I don't think the tickets can help us. Wait!

Fortune Cookies have messages inside them! Maybe the message will give us a clue! MICKEY MOUSE: That sounds fun. Let's try it! MINNIE: We've got ears, say: Cheers! MICKEY MOUSE: Our fortune says: The very wise will find the secret door, under the triangles that add up to four. MINNIE: Ooo,

there must be a secret door in the Great Wall that's hidden under four triangles! MICKEY MOUSE: Do you see any triangles? Yeah, there are some triangles. One, two, three, four of them! MINNIE: And there's the door! CHIP: Wow-whee! You found a way to get to the other side of the Great Wall! DALE: Now we can stamp your passport! MINNIE: Oh look! The Great Wall!

Oh we've got our fourth stamp! MICKEY MOUSE: Hot dog! Our Clubhouse Passport has all four stamps. Thanks, Chip 'n' Dale! CHIP: Bu keqi! DALE: You're welcome! MICKEY MOUSE: See ya later! CHIP: Zai jian! DALE: Bye-bye! MICKEY MOUSE: We made it past the Great Wall!
Watch Great Wall China Clubhouse World video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Around the Clubhouse World
3. Join us on a trip around the Clubhouse World
4. Eiffel Tower Paris Clubhouse World
5. Felicita sung by Goofy and Clarabelle
6. Grand Canal Venice Italy Clubhouse World
7. Great Pyramids Egypt Clubhouse World
8. Great Wall China Clubhouse World
9. Back to the Clubhouse World
10. Hot Dog Dance