That's how you say the Eiffel Tower in French. DAISY: Oooh-la-la Welcome to Paris Where everything is oh-so-pretty. You'll eat pastries, Sweet chocolates and cheese. You'll see lots of flowers Around the Eiffel Tower! Yes everything is oh-so-pretty!

Oooh-la-la Welcome to Paris! DAISY: Bonjour et bienvenue! That means: Hello and welcome, in French. I'm Mademoiselle Daisy and this is Monsieur Donald Duck! DONALD DUCK: Bonjour everybody!

MICKEY MOUSE: Hi there, Miss Daisy and Mr. Donald Duck! DONALD DUCK: Oh no. DAISY: Oh what's the matter, Donald? DONALD DUCK: I can't finish my painting.

I don't have any green paint! DAISY: Oh dear! You don't have any green paint to paint the grass? DONALD DUCK: I sure don't, now what am I gonna do? MICKEY MOUSE: Say, I bet we can help ya! You've got lots of other colors. Maybe you can mix some together to make green! Do you know which colors we should mix together to make green?

Blue and yellow mixed together make green! DONALD DUCK: How about that! It is green! MINNIE: Oh, how pretty! That's great, Mr. Duck. Or as they say in France, Bravo, Monsieur Duck! DONALD DUCK: Merci, Mademoiselle. Would you like to have it! DAISY: Oh, yes!

Please keep the painting as a souvenir. Oh, but it needs to dry first! I've got an idea! Watch this! What's wrong with this contraption? Wak! My hat! Oh no! Get down from there! DAISY: That means leaping lizards! We've got to get Donald's hat back! MINNIE: Oh, I have an idea!

Maybe we can use our suitcases to build stairs, then climb to the top so we can reach Donald's beret! MICKEY MOUSE: Let's try it! MINNIE: Oh, Handy Helper! DAISY: Chouette! That means goody-goody in French. Now I can go get Donald's beret! MICKEY MOUSE: Are you okay up there? DAISY: Yes! And

I just love the view! Oh, I can't reach Donald's beret! If only I had a long stick to help me get it. MICKEY MOUSE: We need a Mouseketool! Everybody say: Oh, Toodles! ALL: Oh, Toodles! TOODLES: Bonjour! Hello, my friends! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh boy! We have a baguette, tickets, a fortune cookie, and the Mystery Mouseketool. Which Mouseketool is long enough to help Daisy reach Donald's beret? MINNIE: The baguette might work!

The French bread is like a long stick. MICKEY MOUSE: Ha! Let's give it a try! We've got ears, say: Cheers! DAISY: Look! It worked! Et voila, Donald. Here's your beret! DONALD DUCK: My hat! Merci, Daisy! MICKEY MOUSE: Now we just need a passport stamp to show the Professor that we visited the Eiffel Tower! DONALD DUCK: Here ya go, Mickey! MICKEY MOUSE: Oh boy!

Our first stamp is a picture of the Eiffel Tower! Merci, Donald! MINNIE: Merci means thank you in French! MICKEY MOUSE: We'd better get going, Min. We've got three more places to visit around the Clubhouse World! MINNIE: We're ready to go! MICKEY MOUSE: Our next stop is the Grand Canal! MINNIE: Ooo! Just like the one in Venice, Italy! DAISY: Have a great trip! DONALD DUCK: Bon voyage! G'bye!
Watch Eiffel Tower Paris Clubhouse World video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Around the Clubhouse World
3. Join us on a trip around the Clubhouse World
4. Eiffel Tower Paris Clubhouse World
5. Felicita sung by Goofy and Clarabelle
6. Grand Canal Venice Italy Clubhouse World
7. Great Pyramids Egypt Clubhouse World
8. Great Wall China Clubhouse World
9. Back to the Clubhouse World
10. Hot Dog Dance