The door closed, and the car is on the other side. MICKEY MOUSE: Oh, yeah. You're right, Minnie. Maybe our last Mouseketool will help us! Everybody say: Oh, Toodles! ALL: Oh, Toodles! TOODLES: You called? MICKEY MOUSE: All we have left are the three tickets. One for each of us!

MINNIE: I hope they'll help us get home to the Clubhouse! MICKEY MOUSE: We picked all our Mouseketools. Say, Super Cheers! Gee, I wonder how these tickets will get us back. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Hello there, world-traveling Clubhousers! MINNIE: Hello Engineer Professor Von Drake! MICKEY MOUSE: Glad to see ya Professor.

Looks like we're taking the train back to the Clubhouse! PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: All aboard the Clubhouse Choo-Choo Express! Have your passport and tickets ready, wouldcha please! MICKEY MOUSE: Here ya go!

We got all four stamps on our passport! PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: That means you have made it all the way around the Clubhouse World.

Now let's choo-choo on back to the place we love best! Woo-hoo! PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: You'll see,

you'll see what a wonderful world it can be! So, c'mon! Just because

it's a beautiful thing to travel and dream!

GOOFY: You'll eat spaghetti in Italy!

DAISY: And tasty cheese in France! DONALD DUCK: Yum-yum! MINNIE: In China how amazed you'll be Watching dragons that dance! PETE: But don't forget, no don't forget Egypt and all it's grand mystery! ALL: Oh you'll see, You'll see! Yes, you'll see! What a wonderful world it can be! DONALD DUCK: Oui!

MICKEY MOUSE: Thanks for going on a trip around the Clubhouse World with us today! Now it's time for us to have some more fun together! So stand up and do the Hot Dog Dance!
Watch Back to the Clubhouse World video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Around the Clubhouse World
3. Join us on a trip around the Clubhouse World
4. Eiffel Tower Paris Clubhouse World
5. Felicita sung by Goofy and Clarabelle
6. Grand Canal Venice Italy Clubhouse World
7. Great Pyramids Egypt Clubhouse World
8. Great Wall China Clubhouse World
9. Back to the Clubhouse World
10. Hot Dog Dance