MINNIE: Kansas City Mickey,
how can we get around those big stones?

MICKEY MOUSE: Hmm. Well, I'm not sure. Let's call
Professor von Drake. Professor, we've reached the Rocky Gulch, but there are big stones in our way!
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Ah, well, I was only just reading about those.
They're known as the dancing stones.

On account of because they will rise off the ground and dance in the air to the sound of music. Then all you got to do is drive under them. So come on, make with some music already, man. Professor von Drake, over and out.
DAISY: Well,
how can we make music?

We don't have any musical instruments.
MICKEY MOUSE: No, but we've got mouseketools.
ALL: Oh, toodles!
TOODLES: Here's toodles!
MICKEY MOUSE: We have a picture of a musical note and...
MINNIE: We need music, so
let's pick the musical note.

MICKEY MOUSE: You got it, Min. Hey, toodles, what's behind the musical note?
TOODLES: A tuba.
MICKEY MOUSE: We got ears, say: cheers!
DONALD DUCK: I'll show you how it's done! And a one, and a two...
MICKEY MOUSE: We made it through the gulch! Good oompahs, Donald!
DONALD DUCK: I did it.
GOOFY: Looks like Donald's all tuba'd out.

MICKEY MOUSE: Now, let's go find echo-echo canyon-canyon.
MICKEY MOUSE: You hear that? This must be echo-echo canyon-canyon.
DAISY: I love echoes!
When you make a loud sound, it bounces back so you hear it again.

GOOFY: Oh, I got to try this! Ya-hooey!
ECHOING: Ya-hooey!
ECHOING: Oh, boy!
DONALD DUCK: My turn! Donald Duck! Donald Duck! Donald Duck!
MICKEY MOUSE: Ah, come on, Donald. Let's go.
ECHOING: Donald Duck! Phooey!
Watch How can we make music video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Mickey's Mystery Clubhouse
Picture clues for mouseketools
Ever going to hear us
Jungle gal Clarabelle
6. How can we make music
Mickey loves to hear music
Start dancing to it then
Hot Dog Dance