GOOFY: How's this fluffy feather pillow gonna help us? PETE: Feathers? Oh, no, no, no, no. Not feathers. Feathers make me sneeze. Oh! DONALD DUCK: Hey, watch it! GOOFY: Let go of our mouseketool. PETE: Uh-uh. GOOFY: Yes. PETE: No. GOOFY: Yes. PETE: No. GOOFY: Give it. PETE: No, I won't and you can't make me. PETE: Oh, fizz wizzles. My magic is gone.

MICKEY MOUSE: You mean, you're not a magical witch anymore? PETE: No. Ain't it unbelievable? PETE [singing]: Alone in my castle tower all's I had was magic power. Now I got nothing. ALL: Now he's got nothing. PETE: I just said that. So true. PETE: Tell me, what can I ever do for power or a friend or two. So I'd have something. ALL: So he'd have something! PETE: But now I've got nothing and plenty of it. PETE: And Minnie, I'm sorry I was so sneaky and took your magic shoes.

I promise to be good from now on. Here you go. MINNIE: Thank you. Uh, Witch Pete? Why don't you come with us? Maybe the Wizard of Dizz can help you like he's going to help us. PETE: Really? You'd let me come with you? DONALD DUCK: Sure. MICKEY MOUSE: Why not? GOOFY: Come on. MINNIE: Let's go. GOOFY: Howdy there, Mr. Wizard. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: What? Who said that? I don't see anybody. Oh. Hey, who let you in? GOOFY: We've come back with the witch's hat. PETE: With Witch Pete in it. Oh, great wizard 'o Dizz,

I've come to ask you for my magic power back. So's I could be a good witch and help my new friends. MINNIE: Uh, Wizard of Dizz, excuse me, sir. Now that we've given you what you wanted, please keep your promise. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: I made a promise? Who? What? I made a promise? What promise? MINNIE: You promised to

help me get home to the Clubhouse. GOOFY: You promised to give me a brain. MICKEY MOUSE: You promised to give me a heart. DONALD DUCK: And you promised to make me king of the jungle. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Right, of course. I did say I would do all of those things, didn't I? Well, now, let me think about how I can. Huh? What is this? Oh, some kind of a doggie. Sit. Stay. Roll over. Oh, no! Good doggie. Go away. Shoo!
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Clubhouse day party
3. The magic shoes
4. The Scarecrow Goofy
5. Mickey the Tin Mouse
6. Donald the Lion
7. Cross the Water
8. Riddle About Party
9. Witch Pete's Hat
10. Magic Power Back
11. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wizard of Dizz
12. Back to the Clubhouse
13. Hot Dog Dance