that was fun. MINNIE: Good Witch Clarabelle. CLARABELLE: Hello, my dear. I see that you have the wizard's glove balloon to take you back home. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Come along now, Minnie. Hurry up! MINNIE: OK. But where's Pluto? I can't leave without him. Pluto. Pluto, come here. PLUTO: Oh. MINNIE: Oh,

good boy, Pluto. Come on. It's time for us to go back to the Clubhouse. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Hey! MICKEY MOUSE: Whoa. There goes the glove balloon. MINNIE: Oh, wait! Come back. We want to go, too. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: I can't stop the balloon. Sorry about that, Minnie. Bye-bye. Don't forget to write. Send a postcard. MINNIE: Oh, Pluto. Now,

how are we going to get back to the Clubhouse? That balloon was our last chance. I'm afraid we'll never see our Clubhouse friends again. CLARABELLE: Oh, don't worry, Minnie. I have some good news for you. I finally remembered what I forgot to remember. I know how those magic shoes work. MINNIE: How? CLARABELLE: All you need to do is

make a wish and tap a little dance. And the shoes will take you wherever you want to go. MINNIE: Really? Then Pluto and I can go back home to the Clubhouse. Oh. But I'm going to miss all of my new friends. MICKEY MOUSE: Aw. Don't worry, Minnie.

You'll always be in my heart. GOOFY: And you'll always be in the thoughts inside my brain. DONALD DUCK: We'll celebrate the day we met you. PETE: Yeah, we'll celebrate the day we met you, and I promise to be as nice as... Well, as nice as you, Minnie. MINNIE: Oh, thank you, thank you. You're all so wonderful. And I'll never, ever forget you. Well, goodbye, everybody. Goodbye. CLARABELLE: Goodbye, my dear. Now make your wish and do the special tap dance. MINNIE: I wish we could go back home to the Clubhouse. MICKEY MOUSE: Minnie? Minnie. MINNIE: Oh. DAISY: Minnie, we were worried about you. MICKEY MOUSE: Are you OK? MINNIE: Yes, I'm fine. Oh, and here's Pluto. Oh, look, Pluto. We made it.

We made it home from the Land of Dizz. GOOFY: What's the Land of Dizz? MINNIE: It's a beautiful place that's far away across a great desert where the chip-munchkins live and a good witch and a wizard who isn't really a wizard. And there are some rainbow trees and a City of Handy Helpers, too. GOOFY: Gosh,

I think you must've fallen asleep and had a dream. MINNIE: Maybe. But I'm so glad to be back here with all of you. I'm very sorry that I forgot about Clubhouse day and the cake I was supposed to make. MICKEY MOUSE: Aw, that's all right, Min. Come on. There's a big surprise waiting inside the Clubhouse. Surprise. PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Presenting Minnie's special Clubhouse day, Clubhouse cake. MINNIE: Oh, how lovely. You made my special cake. GOOFY: Yeah. Mm-mm. Strawberry. MINNIE: Oh, thank you. Thank you, everyone. Oh, there's nothing like having friends at the Clubhouse. [singing] Our Clubhouse is the best place. The best place to be.

It's somewhere where friends are for you and for me There's no other place that I'd rather be. 'Cause the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the best place. Yes, it's the best place to be. DAISY: Ooh, Minnie. What pretty new shoes. MINNIE: Oh. My magic shoes from the Land of Dizz. Oh, maybe it wasn't a dream. Right, everybody? Thank you all so much for helping Pluto and me get back for Clubhouse day. MICKEY MOUSE: Come on, everybody. Stand up and do our favorite dance: The hot dog dance.
Watch The Wizard of Dizz Back to the Clubhouse video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Clubhouse day party
3. The magic shoes
4. The Scarecrow Goofy
5. Mickey the Tin Mouse
6. Donald the Lion
7. Cross the Water
8. Riddle About Party
9. Witch Pete's Hat
10. Magic Power Back
11. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wizard of Dizz
12. Back to the Clubhouse
13. Hot Dog Dance