Now have a safe trip to meet the Wizard of Dizz. And watch out for sneaky witch Pete. MINNIE: Oh, don't worry, we'll be careful. Bye-bye. CLARABELLE: Goodbye. CHIP AND DALE: To find the Wizard of Dizz follow the pink polka-dotted path.

MINNIE: Thank you, chip-munchkins. CHIP AND DALE: You're welcome. MINNIE [singing]: Let's go, let's go, let's go! Let's go and meet the amazing Wizard of Dizz. Let's hope he's the amazing wizard that everyone says he is. MINNIE: Oh, Pluto. That's only a scarecrow. GOOFY: Howdy and hello. How do you do and how are you? MINNIE: Oh, my. A talking scarecrow. GOOFY: That's right. I can talk and walk and do all sorts of things.

I'm supposed to shoo away the birds but, uh. Well. I guess they like me. I'd like to come down and meet you, but I'm stuck up here. MINNIE: Oh, you poor dear. I can't reach you. You're too high. We need a mouseketool to help us reach the Goofy scarecrow and

get him down. Everybody say, "oh, too..." oops. I mean, "oh, Woodles." ALL: Oh, Woodles. MINNIE: Let's see. We have a pink beach towel, three colorful turtles, a pogo stick and the mystery mouseketool. Which mouseketool can we use to get the Goofy scarecrow down? How about the pogo stick? We can use the pogo stick to jump up and get him down. We've got ears. Say "cheers." GOOFY: Whoa! I'm free. Free as a bird.

My name's Scarecrow Goofy. MINNIE: Well, how do you do? I'm Minnie and this is Pluto. We're on our way to the City of Handy Helpers to ask the Wizard of Dizz to help us get back home, to the Clubhouse. GOOFY: What's the Clubhouse? MINNIE: Oh, it's a fun place where all our friends are waiting for us to have a big party. GOOFY: Gosh. What's a party? MINNIE: You mean, you don't know what a party is? GOOFY: Nope. That's 'cause I'm Goofy.

My head's all stuffed with straw, instead of brains GOOFY [singing]: If I weren't so Goofy I'm sure I'd think of things a lot. I'd know why strawberry jelly is so yummy for my belly. I wouldn't have a Goofy thought de-dum-de-deedle-dee-do. If I weren't so Goofy

I'd think of things that I forgot. I'd know where I put my sock. I could even read a clock. Cuckoo. Cuckoo. I wouldn't have a Goofy thought de-dum-de-deedle-dee-do. If I weren't so Goofy. GOOFY: Gosh, I wish I had a brain. MINNIE: If you come with us, maybe the Wizard of Dizz can help you, too. GOOFY: You mean it? MINNIE: Uh-huh. Watch The Scarecrow Goofy video
See other parts:
1. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
2. Clubhouse day party
3. The magic shoes
4. The Scarecrow Goofy
5. Mickey the Tin Mouse
6. Donald the Lion
7. Cross the Water
8. Riddle About Party
9. Witch Pete's Hat
10. Magic Power Back
11. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Wizard of Dizz
12. Back to the Clubhouse
13. Hot Dog Dance