Drive safely,
would you! And keep an eye out for Plunderin' Pete's tricky traps!
GOOFY: Where there's trouble he'll be there.
DAISY: On the double so bad guys,
MINNIE: He faces danger without a care.
Kansas City Mickey!
Kansas City Mickey! He'll go down in history!
MICKEY MOUSE: That's me!
PETE: Catchy tune! But Kansas City Mickey will be singing a different tune soon enough! And I'll have this beautiful Crystal Mickey all to myself. Behold, Plunderin' Pete's sandcastle trap!
MINNIE: Oh, no!
GOOFY: Well, I got to hand it to Plunderin' Pete.
This is a tricky trap.
DAISY: How can we find our way out?
MICKEY MOUSE: How about we try digging our way out. Everybody say: Oh, Toodles!
ALL: Oh, Toodles!
TOODLES: Did someone call me?
MICKEY MOUSE: We have the two-handed handy crane. A trash can. Plungers and the mystery Mouseketool.
Which one can help us dig out of these tunnels?
DAISY: Well, the handy crane is good for lifting things, but we need something that can scoop the sand out. What can we use like a scoop?
MICKEY MOUSE: The trash can. Good idea.
We've got ears, say: cheers!
DONALD DUCK: Let's start digging!
MICKEY MOUSE: Watch this, everybody. Oh, boy!
We're back on the road!
Whoa! It's Professor von Drake. Hello, professor. How are things at the Clubhouse?
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: Goo! Things are sinking fast! It's only a matter of time before the whole entire Clubhouse goes goodbye-bye and totally disappears. So how's everything?
MICKEY MOUSE: Well, we reached the desert and now
we're moving as fast as we can.
PROFESSOR VON DRAKE: See you real soon, I hope. And hurry it up while you're at it. Over and out.
MICKEY MOUSE: OK, adventurers. Our next stop is the rushing river. Where is the rushing river? That's it! Let's go!
PETE: Wish me bone voyage-y, Clubhousers. Too bad you didn't bring a boat! I did!
MINNIE: There he goes! Plunderin' Pete's getting away!
GOOFY: Did anybody pack a canoe?
MICKEY MOUSE: Who needs a canoe when
you've got a ramblin' scrambler.
PETE: Oh, chicken feathers! Their fancy buggy can swim! Well, no matter. I'll sink their hopes soon enough. Good thing I have another one of my tricky traps ready and waiting. Behold! It's my gigantic gooey fish trap!
Watch A tricky trap video
See other parts:
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song
Quest for the Crystal Mickey
Shows us the way
4. A tricky trap
The gooey fish
Plunderin' Pete song
We have the plungers
A brand new friend
See you real soon
Hot Dog Dance